I guess, gue lebih bisa ngeblog kalo gue lagi sebel, kesel, ato apa aja dech yang negative-feelings-related gitu...
- dan, karena 2 minggu ini semuanya biasa2 aja, gue ga sebel ama siapa2/apa2..
- dan *again* setiap kali ada sesuatu yang bikin gue happy, gue males untuk langsung duduk di depan comp en ngeblog tentang itu. Jadi, waktu akhirnya gue udah mau ngeblog, excitementnya udah hilang u see. So sorry for the long "hiatus"...
Anyway, these are "what's up?" with me...
1. I got a new lappy *it makes me happy*
Benernya gue lupa yang punya gue itu Vaio seri berapa. Tapi warna en modelnya sama persis seperti yang di atas.. So u got the picture. U know what, tuch laptop bakal gue penuhin ama games, songs, games, microsoft words, en my very own photos, not forgetting some games. ESPECIALLY GAMES! Kenapa gue ga ngambil yang warna pink? Coz kata nyokap gue yang merah keliatan lebih elegant. Or perhaps, I'm not that into pink? Hmm, soalnya waktu di pameran, mereka ga punya yang pink en gue udah terlanjur suka ama yang ini... *kenapa juga gue mesti jelasin ini? haiz..*
2. Kuliah efektif sisa 8 hari lagi.
Including hari - hari UAS. Besok hari terakhir kuliah, trus libur 1 minggu, en final exams 7 hari. Setelah itu, selesai sudah semester duaku di Ciputra. Selamat datang libur panjaaaang =)
3. Wolverine + Angels And Demons.
Nope. Mereka bukan film terakhir yang gue lihat *the last one I watched is The Night At The Museum 2*. Rabu minggu lalu, gue ke Sutos ama Melda. Rencana utamanya sich mau nonton Wolverine. Ga taunya, hari itu Angels And Demons juga udah tayang. Akhirnya kita nonton dua film di hari yang sama.. Hugh Jackman emang keren ABIZ! Tapi, gue tetep lebi suka Jensen Ackles..hehe.
4. Maen Harvest Moon Back to Nature.
Duluuu banget, gue udah perna maen game ini ampe taon ke 4. Udah merit ama Popuri en punya baby juga. Tapi, sepupu gue ga sengaja ngehapus game itu dari memory card waktu dia mau save game yang lagi dia maenin. Swt abis tau! Saking "swt"nya gue ampe ga bisa marah/kesel ama dia. Sekarang gue maen lagi, udah ampe winter taon ke 2. Merit ama Popuri, en udah punya baby yang gue namain Jensen doooooonk.....lol. Tapi gue ga maen tiap hari, coz I have a real life to handle... [read : nonton dvd yang jumlahnya banyak banget, jalan - jalan terus sambil buang duit sampe bangkrut, ngegym en termotivasi dari acara reality show The Biggest Loser, nonton The Master dan selalu ngerasa kagum ama dedy corbuzier, pergi ke kampus demi ngisi absen, baca novel sambil bermalas - malasan di tempat tidur, jalan jalan lagi belanja lagi sampe tambah bangkrut.. My real life is so 'productive' yach?]
5. "The Forbidden"
Sudah 2 malem ini Poppy tidur di tempat tidur gue. Kalo aja ortu gue tau, bisa - bisa Poppy dibuang. En I might become suicidal.
6. New Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! (belum pasti)
Kemarin nyokap en bokap gue pergi nonton en jalan - jalan di PTC. Trus, nyokap lagi demen ama 1 anjing, mini pom juga. Lebi mini dari Poppy *in case u don't know, Poppy itu mini pom "raksasa", dengan kata laen gue dulu ditipu...oh well*
Tapi, berhubung harganya lumayan, nyokap ga jadi beli. Well, apa gue bisa ngebujuk dia buat beli anjing baru lagi? We'll see..
7. Parkir Mundur.
Hari ini gue udah sukses markir mundur. Amin. Berhubung tadi temen yang gue jemput ga bisa nyetir.. jadi tadi gue sukses markir dengan usaha gue sendiri. Sekali lagi, AMIN! Trus, baru kali ini juga gue BENERAN ngerasain gimana capeknya nyetir kalo lagi sangat amat macet. Nich kaki berasa mau putus!!!! Oh Tuhan!
8. What Am I Thinking RIGHT NOW?
- Besok masuk kuliah ga yaaaaaaaach?
- Abis ini mo nonton dvd...baru tidur
- SEBENTAR LAGI LIBUR!!!!!! En gue masi belum tau pasti mau ke mana....
~tHE ENd~
p.s = I'm still on a diet. Which reminds me, kalo berat gue 47 kg waktu semester 3 dimulai, Melda bakal ngasi tiket gratis buat ke Banjar. Kalo gagal, ya gue yang ngasi dia....
~I Love It When It Rains~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Kamis, 21 Mei 2009
Comments: (2)
~Mission Possible = Losing Weight~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Senin, 04 Mei 2009
Comments: (0)
"I promise that my next post gonna be a happy one...as yesterday, my dear, is one of my happiEST days ever (^.^)
En moga - moga, mulai minggu depan (or two weeks later..) gue bisa upload foto - foto paling baru tiap kali gue ngepost...."
I'm on a diet...for as long as I can remember! Pernah sukses 1 kali, tapi karena banyak banget yang bilang gue jadi lebi jelek dari sebelumnya, akhirnya gue makan lagi en gemuk lagi.
Sialan =)
Current weight= 52 kg
It means, gue kelebihan 5 sampe 6 kg. Dan itu banyak....BANGET!
Frankly speaking, I think it's difficult but possible.
I've done it before. I can do it again.
So, target gue untuk akhir bulan Mei ini = lose 5 kg.
This is how I gonna do it, and this time I'll stick to my plan.. *I swear upon your life...mwahaha*
Exercise =
- Treadmill for 30 minutes, 5 times a week [compulsory]
- 45 to 60 sit-ups, 5 times a week [compulsory]
- 200 times on a machine which I don't know how to explain, 5 times a week
- swimming, one or twice a week [not compulsory] *I'm not a fan of swimming anymore*
- running up and down the stairs at my house EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for 10 times, it's only two-story so should be ok [compulsory]
Food =
- 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, if I manage to get up in the morning
- home-cooked mixed vegetables for lunch (or brunch) AND dinner
- atau 2 ayam bakar wiyung for dinner.
- fish and fruits are ok.
Weekend-only = Sushi or steak, or even a bar of cadbury and van houten chocolate, and ice cream =) [AND 2 diet pills which make your stomach pain like hell]
Drink =
- mineral water
- es teh tawar
- more mineral water
Weekend-only = Quickly Green Apple Milk Tea, without ice, without pearls but green apple and grape pulps (^-^) [my current favourite], and of course Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks.
Besides, I'm making a food journal.
I need a strong determination. OMG!
~To get what you [I] want, sacrifices must be made~
En moga - moga, mulai minggu depan (or two weeks later..) gue bisa upload foto - foto paling baru tiap kali gue ngepost...."
I'm on a diet...for as long as I can remember! Pernah sukses 1 kali, tapi karena banyak banget yang bilang gue jadi lebi jelek dari sebelumnya, akhirnya gue makan lagi en gemuk lagi.
Sialan =)
Current weight= 52 kg
Target weight = 46 kg or 47 kg
It means, gue kelebihan 5 sampe 6 kg. Dan itu banyak....BANGET!
Frankly speaking, I think it's difficult but possible.
I've done it before. I can do it again.
So, target gue untuk akhir bulan Mei ini = lose 5 kg.
This is how I gonna do it, and this time I'll stick to my plan.. *I swear upon your life...mwahaha*
Exercise =
- Treadmill for 30 minutes, 5 times a week [compulsory]
- 45 to 60 sit-ups, 5 times a week [compulsory]
- 200 times on a machine which I don't know how to explain, 5 times a week
- swimming, one or twice a week [not compulsory] *I'm not a fan of swimming anymore*
- running up and down the stairs at my house EVERY SINGLE NIGHT for 10 times, it's only two-story so should be ok [compulsory]
Food =
- 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, if I manage to get up in the morning
- home-cooked mixed vegetables for lunch (or brunch) AND dinner
- atau 2 ayam bakar wiyung for dinner.
- fish and fruits are ok.
Weekend-only = Sushi or steak, or even a bar of cadbury and van houten chocolate, and ice cream =) [AND 2 diet pills which make your stomach pain like hell]
Drink =
- mineral water
- es teh tawar
- more mineral water
Weekend-only = Quickly Green Apple Milk Tea, without ice, without pearls but green apple and grape pulps (^-^) [my current favourite], and of course Caramel Frappuccino from Starbucks.
Besides, I'm making a food journal.
I need a strong determination. OMG!
~To get what you [I] want, sacrifices must be made~