I couldn't blog coz my bro was borrowing my laptop for God knows how long.
Sekarang gue dah males ngeblog tentang ultah, valentine, en blabla.. *maaf yach tessa sayank..ntar gue critain lewat msn aja*
See the amount?? I was so proud of myself *big smiley face*. U know what, selama punya kartu kredit, cuma 2 kali doank tagihan gue totalnya 100ribu++... Salah satunya ya bulan kemarin ini. But, too bad, tagihan cowo gue malah membengkak. The reason's so obvious en apalagi kalo bukan gara - gara semua uang makan selama kita ngedate tuch dia yang bayar. The same goes with movie tickets, gasoline, plus my birthday & valentine presents.
I felt sorry for him and promise I'll try my best to manage our money more wisely.
Thanx to him, now I have "tabungan yang ga bole diganggu gugat" dengan jumlah yang [menurut gue] udah lumayan. Gue ngerasa rada ga percaya kalo inget ampe sekarang semua uang ang bao yang gue dapet waktu chinese new year en $$$ ultah yang gue dapet dari daddy MASI UTUH di tabungan. Ditambah ama uang jajan bulan lalu yang lebih dari separuhnya ga gue pake..and so on and so forth (^-^)
Thanx for he always accept me for the way I am, no matter how ugly [i never look really ugly anyway...ahahahaha. How's that sound? jkjk] I look these past few weeks. Even when I wear glasses or baggy shirt to go out, he never mind. That's why I can save more $$ for I didn't buy new dresses, bags, or shoes. At least, not in the same week =)
The last new shirt I bought is a checkered shirt and he's the one who paid for it (-.-!)
Well, starting from this month onwards, I'll become the 'stingiest-felicia' ever! There, I said it.. Let's hope I can stick with my own words *amen*
From now on, I will not buy expensive things which I don't really need.
Some people could afford expensive high-class branded things and still have spare money to waste. Me?? If I ever buy one authentic LV bag, kemungkinan besar gue ga jajan buat beberapa bulan ke depan. Seandainya gue bisa, itu pasti karena gue minta $ lagi ama ortu. Besides, ngapain buang - buang uang beli yang asli kalo akhirnya dikira orang kita lagi pake tas palsu buatan Cina?
Bulan depan, toko aksesoris gue juga udah mulai buka. Tuch toko hasil patungan ama Melda en Vira. Paling ngga, sekarang gue uda punya kerjaan sendiri..biarpun modal awalnya masi dari ortu. Dan gara - gara ini, gue jadi sungkan buat minta $ lagi ama bokap.
Si pacar juga rencananya lagi mau buka usaha sendiri. Kalo semuanya lancar, tahun ini juga dia bakal resign dari bank tempat dia kerja sekarang. En gue 1000% ngedukung rencananya yang ini.
I mean, better be employers than employees. Unless he works at some foreign companies and get a huge salary [like this...$5o.000 or Rp 123.000.000,- a month], I prefer him to run his own business. Afterall, kalo emang punya modal buat buka usaha sendiri, kenapa mesti kerja ama orang lain? Apalagi, biasanya siklus 'keuangan' pegawai/employee setiap bulannya selalu sama alias kaya gini =
Gajian - beli ini itu - akhir bulan uang sisa pas pasan - nunggu gajian dengan uang hampir abis - gajian lagi - beli ini itu lagi - uang abis lagi - nunggu gajian lagi [ulangi ini selama lo masi jadi employee]
Endingnya, seumur hidup tergantung ama gaji. It's okay if you are a guy and still single. Most probably you can save 1/3 of the salary you get. But, let say you're a girl [like me] or a guy who has a girlfriend [like me.. Wth, I'm just kidding. I'm not that bad, trust me]. Let alone, family. How much you can actually save each month? *in order to be rich..*
Hell, gue tau sebagian orang bisa hidup dengan gaji, bisa ngasi makan anak istri, en sekali - sekali belanja di mall. But, I wanna be damn rich and therefore I need my husband [and me?] to have A HUGE income. My ultimate ambition is to become a rich taitai, remember? Lol..
Memang sich, ga semua orang yang punya usaha sendiri tuch pasti kaya. Tapi, kalo yang begitu aja ga kaya...apalagi yg jadi employee?? En gue ga mau seumur hidup tergantung ama gaji.
Ok, ini uda rada off topic...
Lebi baek gue berhenti di sini en lanjut nonton Dexter.
Met malem, siapapun lo =)
~Money's not everything.. But I need money in order to live happily~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Comments: (1)
To Tesa sayank,
Sorry Kamis kemarin ga jadi ngeblog tentang b'day gue.. Waktu itu gue sibuk ama si pacar *halah* en sekarang baru sempat ngeblog lagi tapi ga tau mau cerita apa *mau ngebahas tentang ultah tapi foto - fotonya belum gue masukin ke laptop*. Makanya, gue nulis ini buat paragraph pertama.. *no better idea u know*
Beberapa minggu yang lalu si pacar sempat complain gara - gara gue majang alamat website blog ini di info Facebook gue. Ternyata temen si pacar sempat baca en cerita ama dia. Gue rasa, gue ga bole terlalu yakin kalo gue tau siapa aja yang dateng ke sini. But, never mind, toh kalo gue berani ngepost apa yang gue tulis, berarti gue ga pa pa itu dibaca ama siapa aja =)
Lagian, seperti kata ce Jussy, buat apa nulis blog kalo bukan buat dibaca? Ya kan..
Terhitung dari kemarin, pas awal Maret, gue mulai diet lagi ngegym lagi. Seminggu treadmill 5 kali. HARUS! Nich lemak udah numpuk di mana - mana. Pokoknya ampe akhir bulan May, berat gue mesti sudah turun 4 kilo *amen*
But, I it's kinda hard for me to stay motivated. How ah? =(
Ya dah, gue nonton Hachiko dulu. Abis itu mau pergi jalan - jalan ke Supermall ama si pacar. En some things I might blog soon *minggu ini juga* = b'day, school life, si pacar masak buat gue, me opening a SHOP ^^
~A Pair of Wings to Fly Away~
Sorry Kamis kemarin ga jadi ngeblog tentang b'day gue.. Waktu itu gue sibuk ama si pacar *halah* en sekarang baru sempat ngeblog lagi tapi ga tau mau cerita apa *mau ngebahas tentang ultah tapi foto - fotonya belum gue masukin ke laptop*. Makanya, gue nulis ini buat paragraph pertama.. *no better idea u know*
Beberapa minggu yang lalu si pacar sempat complain gara - gara gue majang alamat website blog ini di info Facebook gue. Ternyata temen si pacar sempat baca en cerita ama dia. Gue rasa, gue ga bole terlalu yakin kalo gue tau siapa aja yang dateng ke sini. But, never mind, toh kalo gue berani ngepost apa yang gue tulis, berarti gue ga pa pa itu dibaca ama siapa aja =)
Lagian, seperti kata ce Jussy, buat apa nulis blog kalo bukan buat dibaca? Ya kan..
Terhitung dari kemarin, pas awal Maret, gue mulai diet lagi ngegym lagi. Seminggu treadmill 5 kali. HARUS! Nich lemak udah numpuk di mana - mana. Pokoknya ampe akhir bulan May, berat gue mesti sudah turun 4 kilo *amen*
But, I it's kinda hard for me to stay motivated. How ah? =(
Ya dah, gue nonton Hachiko dulu. Abis itu mau pergi jalan - jalan ke Supermall ama si pacar. En some things I might blog soon *minggu ini juga* = b'day, school life, si pacar masak buat gue, me opening a SHOP ^^
~A Pair of Wings to Fly Away~
~Tied Together With A Smile~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Jumat, 05 Februari 2010
Comments: (1)
Ga terasa, udah lewat 1 bulan setengah sejak gue ngeraya'in malam taon baru 2010.. and it means school gonna start soon, REAL SOON, like 2 more days kinda soon *wth* (-.-!)
Random things during this one and a half month [all 'bout me or me-related or none-bout-you orGH]
1. Papi bought a new blackberry for me and I've been using it since one week ago or so.. [padahal dia ngasinya uda dari awal Januari kemarin]. All thanks to my 'gaptek'ness and love for procrastination, gue baru sign up tuch hp ke XL Centre minggu lalu..
Frankly speaking, gue suka sich make nich handphone. Tapi masi belum terbiasa ngetik di keyboard sekecil itu [ngga! jari gue ga gendut koq..]. Bikin males sms panjang - panjang. I'm not THAT into Facebook, ga aktif di twitter, masih berokupasi sebagai mahasiswi dan belum jadi business woman yang super sibuk di mana mesti ngecheck email setiap hari. Jadi intinya, gue heran kenapa banyak BANGET anak kuliahan pake BB [en tambah yakin kalo remaja - remaja di sini pada kaya bebek ganti Blackberry cuma buat gaya - gaya'an doank..]. Jangan sama'in remaja Indo yang sekola di Aussie [gue ga tau kalo negara laen] yang juga pake Blackberry secara di Aussie mereka bisa dapet nich HP gratis, cuma tinggal ambil plan doank di provider - provider tertentu. Kalo gratis, kenapa ngga? Anyway, thank you papi...not only for the new phone but for it also shows that you love me so much muach *awww*
2. Karena alasan tertentu, sepertinya ga lama lagi gue bakal tinggal di rumah baru. I don't know for sure when we are going to move, tapi bisa dipasti'in tahun ini juga. Sekarang nyokap masih nyari rumah baru yang hadap Timur. Puji Tuhan, ukuran rumah baru nanti bakal sama seperti rumah gue yang sekarang atau syukur - syukur malah lebih gede [BUKAN jauuuh lebih gede lho yach! Kalo itu mah nunggu gue tunangan ma pangeran William dulu kali]
Di satu sisi, gue seneng mau pindah rumah. Yah, ada pergantian suasana lha. Tapi di sisi laen, gue suka ama rumah gue yang sekarang..apalagi lingkungannya [graha family gitu lhoo~]. Pastinya gue bakal sedih waktu pindah en ga tinggal di sini lagi. Tau kalo semua rutinitas gue di rumah bakal beda en ga sama lagi . Moga - moga aja, abis liat rumahnya en udah pindah...gue ngerasa seneng *amen*
3. I think, I am in love with him. Awalnya, gue cuma sekedar suka biasa doank ama dia.. en tentang ini, kapan - kapan aja gue cerita'in. Gue bener - bener harus berterima kasih ama Tuhan karena udah ngasi dia buat nemenin gue. I don't know how long this relationship gonna last.. I truly hope he's the one. But, you'll never know, right? With him besides me, trying his best to do whatever [logical] things he can to make me happy.. For once, I completely feel like I'm the luckiest girl on earth. You know, family..friends..and now him = close to perfection *blessed*
The more I 'love' him, the bigger my worry is. Perhaps, just like he told me countless times, I shall put all my worries in HIS' hand. Should trust HIM more..that HE gonna take care of me the best way
4. Si pacar baru beli mobil baru en besok udah dateng. Well, status sebagai pacar dia doank ga langsung menjadikan mobil dia sebagai mobil gue juga. Tapi yang pasti mulai besok kita bakal ngedate dengan mobil baru [en bukan second lho.. en mobil pribadi lho.. en bukannya gue matre lho.. I'm just SAYING]. Itu artinya besok dia jemput gue jam 10 pagi. Dan oleh karena itu, jam 8 besok pagi dia bakal ngebangunin gue en jam 10 gue udah harus siap. Sekarang udah jam 5 PAGI lewat 42 menit..huhuuuuu. Besides, gue dah janji ama dia kalo gue bakal tidur jam 3 tadi *now I feel like slapping my neighbour's face for I love to put blame on others..haiz [just kidding!]*
Oh tidak! I forgot to take picture of his old car! Padahal dulu kita jadiannya ya di mobil dia yang sebelumnya itu... *at this moment I seriously want to kick my neighbour upside down.. en here's another [JUST KIDDING]*
Selamat Pagi semuaaaa....
~We Belong Together~
Random things during this one and a half month [all 'bout me or me-related or none-bout-you orGH]
1. Papi bought a new blackberry for me and I've been using it since one week ago or so.. [padahal dia ngasinya uda dari awal Januari kemarin]. All thanks to my 'gaptek'ness and love for procrastination, gue baru sign up tuch hp ke XL Centre minggu lalu..
Frankly speaking, gue suka sich make nich handphone. Tapi masi belum terbiasa ngetik di keyboard sekecil itu [ngga! jari gue ga gendut koq..]. Bikin males sms panjang - panjang. I'm not THAT into Facebook, ga aktif di twitter, masih berokupasi sebagai mahasiswi dan belum jadi business woman yang super sibuk di mana mesti ngecheck email setiap hari. Jadi intinya, gue heran kenapa banyak BANGET anak kuliahan pake BB [en tambah yakin kalo remaja - remaja di sini pada kaya bebek ganti Blackberry cuma buat gaya - gaya'an doank..]. Jangan sama'in remaja Indo yang sekola di Aussie [gue ga tau kalo negara laen] yang juga pake Blackberry secara di Aussie mereka bisa dapet nich HP gratis, cuma tinggal ambil plan doank di provider - provider tertentu. Kalo gratis, kenapa ngga? Anyway, thank you papi...not only for the new phone but for it also shows that you love me so much muach *awww*
2. Karena alasan tertentu, sepertinya ga lama lagi gue bakal tinggal di rumah baru. I don't know for sure when we are going to move, tapi bisa dipasti'in tahun ini juga. Sekarang nyokap masih nyari rumah baru yang hadap Timur. Puji Tuhan, ukuran rumah baru nanti bakal sama seperti rumah gue yang sekarang atau syukur - syukur malah lebih gede [BUKAN jauuuh lebih gede lho yach! Kalo itu mah nunggu gue tunangan ma pangeran William dulu kali]
Di satu sisi, gue seneng mau pindah rumah. Yah, ada pergantian suasana lha. Tapi di sisi laen, gue suka ama rumah gue yang sekarang..apalagi lingkungannya [graha family gitu lhoo~]. Pastinya gue bakal sedih waktu pindah en ga tinggal di sini lagi. Tau kalo semua rutinitas gue di rumah bakal beda en ga sama lagi . Moga - moga aja, abis liat rumahnya en udah pindah...gue ngerasa seneng *amen*
3. I think, I am in love with him. Awalnya, gue cuma sekedar suka biasa doank ama dia.. en tentang ini, kapan - kapan aja gue cerita'in. Gue bener - bener harus berterima kasih ama Tuhan karena udah ngasi dia buat nemenin gue. I don't know how long this relationship gonna last.. I truly hope he's the one. But, you'll never know, right? With him besides me, trying his best to do whatever [logical] things he can to make me happy.. For once, I completely feel like I'm the luckiest girl on earth. You know, family..friends..and now him = close to perfection *blessed*
The more I 'love' him, the bigger my worry is. Perhaps, just like he told me countless times, I shall put all my worries in HIS' hand. Should trust HIM more..that HE gonna take care of me the best way
4. Si pacar baru beli mobil baru en besok udah dateng. Well, status sebagai pacar dia doank ga langsung menjadikan mobil dia sebagai mobil gue juga. Tapi yang pasti mulai besok kita bakal ngedate dengan mobil baru [en bukan second lho.. en mobil pribadi lho.. en bukannya gue matre lho.. I'm just SAYING]. Itu artinya besok dia jemput gue jam 10 pagi. Dan oleh karena itu, jam 8 besok pagi dia bakal ngebangunin gue en jam 10 gue udah harus siap. Sekarang udah jam 5 PAGI lewat 42 menit..huhuuuuu. Besides, gue dah janji ama dia kalo gue bakal tidur jam 3 tadi *now I feel like slapping my neighbour's face for I love to put blame on others..haiz [just kidding!]*
Oh tidak! I forgot to take picture of his old car! Padahal dulu kita jadiannya ya di mobil dia yang sebelumnya itu... *at this moment I seriously want to kick my neighbour upside down.. en here's another [JUST KIDDING]*
Selamat Pagi semuaaaa....
~We Belong Together~
~You're My Honeybunch~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Rabu, 03 Februari 2010
Comments: (3)
(3 February 2010, Wednesday)
He reached my house around 6 o'clock that night. I opened the main door for him and the second thing he said to me was, "Ini buat kamu" *sambil ngasi tas kecil warna biru muda*
[the very first sentence came out from his mouth once he saw me = "Tunggu tunggu! Kita di rumahmu dulu... Di luar masi banjir". (-______________-!) Yeah, rencananya tadi malem kita mau makan ayam bakar di wiyung terus jalan - jalan ke PTC. Tapi waktu itu lagi ujan deras en di mana - mana banjir. Namanya juga Surabaya..lol. Eh, I'm not complaining though. I prefer rainy season than drought]
I was, of course, surprised AND happy. But, let me tell you the truth. Though I was happy and all, actually the first thing on my mind was this "Please don't tell me this is an early Valentine present! Not an early monthly-anniversary-present either! I don't want an early present T.T If this is a Val day present then it supposed to be given on Valentine day itself! 14 feb! Not earlier or later!". *doesn't mean I'm not being grateful or what..okok? huhuuu*
I think I was just afraid if he give it to me now then on 14 feb I won't get anything, which means on the real Valentine day, I actually got nothing. Well, I mean I'd got a/n [advanced] Valentine gift but still, FACT HAS IT that on 14 February my boyfriend give me nothing. No chocolate, no flower, only a simple nothing. Perhaps, this is quite important for me because it's our first val day together as a couple.
Note = we did celebrate it together last year...and that's when we were being introduced to each other ^.^
Anyway, back to the topic.. After a few seconds, common sense stroke me [what a words..]. Dia ga bilang kalo ngasi ini buat hadiah valentine. Dia ga bilang apa - apa, en artinya dia cuma mau ngasih doank..hehe *mulai tenang dan senang*
Di sini gue mulai penasaran kira - kira isinya apa. I asked him what was inside and he told me to open it up. Hmm, what if whatever inside doesn't excite me, and there he is! Standing right in front of me watching my 'oh, okay'-face??? Then, I took a seat on one of the chairs in the living room. Lucky me, he went to the toilet to change his working shirt to a casual T-shirt. I opened the pressie and BENER - BENER SENENG WAKTU NGELIAT INI ^_________________^
I love cupcakes! I think Melda and Meimutz know how I love looking at those cute CUTE cakes! When I'm typing this, I already ate the purple one.. yang terbalik itu lho, di atasnya ada icing bentuk bebek. Rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada yang dijual di PTC *puji Tuhan*
Nich, close up for the oh-so-cute baby boy ^^
Let me say this again, I LOVEEEE cute CUPCAKES! one out of a few things I love love love~
The story behind the pic above = Waktu itu uda lewat jam 11 malem, gue lagi nonton Take A Celebrity Out sambil duduk nyenderan ke dia. Pengen nyemil, gue jadi ngebayangin makan tuch cupcake en gue baru nyadar kalo gue belum take a pic of him and the cupcakes. Akhirnya gue ngebujuk dia supaya mau difoto di ruang makan aja.. Secara di sana lebih terang. Gue juga ngotot manggil dd gue turun ke bawah en help us take a picture. Padahal si pacar maunya kita foto sendiri aja...biar ga ngerepotin si dd. But, I want to take a picture of us, as nice as possible because I NEED it and the time I have is running low..
*ehem* Gue lagi nyiapin something buat dia =)
Hope he'll love it...
~I Am Blessed~
He reached my house around 6 o'clock that night. I opened the main door for him and the second thing he said to me was, "Ini buat kamu" *sambil ngasi tas kecil warna biru muda*
[the very first sentence came out from his mouth once he saw me = "Tunggu tunggu! Kita di rumahmu dulu... Di luar masi banjir". (-______________-!) Yeah, rencananya tadi malem kita mau makan ayam bakar di wiyung terus jalan - jalan ke PTC. Tapi waktu itu lagi ujan deras en di mana - mana banjir. Namanya juga Surabaya..lol. Eh, I'm not complaining though. I prefer rainy season than drought]
I was, of course, surprised AND happy. But, let me tell you the truth. Though I was happy and all, actually the first thing on my mind was this "Please don't tell me this is an early Valentine present! Not an early monthly-anniversary-present either! I don't want an early present T.T If this is a Val day present then it supposed to be given on Valentine day itself! 14 feb! Not earlier or later!". *doesn't mean I'm not being grateful or what..okok? huhuuu*
I think I was just afraid if he give it to me now then on 14 feb I won't get anything, which means on the real Valentine day, I actually got nothing. Well, I mean I'd got a/n [advanced] Valentine gift but still, FACT HAS IT that on 14 February my boyfriend give me nothing. No chocolate, no flower, only a simple nothing. Perhaps, this is quite important for me because it's our first val day together as a couple.
Note = we did celebrate it together last year...and that's when we were being introduced to each other ^.^
Anyway, back to the topic.. After a few seconds, common sense stroke me [what a words..]. Dia ga bilang kalo ngasi ini buat hadiah valentine. Dia ga bilang apa - apa, en artinya dia cuma mau ngasih doank..hehe *mulai tenang dan senang*
Di sini gue mulai penasaran kira - kira isinya apa. I asked him what was inside and he told me to open it up. Hmm, what if whatever inside doesn't excite me, and there he is! Standing right in front of me watching my 'oh, okay'-face??? Then, I took a seat on one of the chairs in the living room. Lucky me, he went to the toilet to change his working shirt to a casual T-shirt. I opened the pressie and BENER - BENER SENENG WAKTU NGELIAT INI ^_________________^
I love cupcakes! I think Melda and Meimutz know how I love looking at those cute CUTE cakes! When I'm typing this, I already ate the purple one.. yang terbalik itu lho, di atasnya ada icing bentuk bebek. Rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada yang dijual di PTC *puji Tuhan*
Nich, close up for the oh-so-cute baby boy ^^
Let me say this again, I LOVEEEE cute CUPCAKES! one out of a few things I love love love~
The story behind the pic above = Waktu itu uda lewat jam 11 malem, gue lagi nonton Take A Celebrity Out sambil duduk nyenderan ke dia. Pengen nyemil, gue jadi ngebayangin makan tuch cupcake en gue baru nyadar kalo gue belum take a pic of him and the cupcakes. Akhirnya gue ngebujuk dia supaya mau difoto di ruang makan aja.. Secara di sana lebih terang. Gue juga ngotot manggil dd gue turun ke bawah en help us take a picture. Padahal si pacar maunya kita foto sendiri aja...biar ga ngerepotin si dd. But, I want to take a picture of us, as nice as possible because I NEED it and the time I have is running low..
*ehem* Gue lagi nyiapin something buat dia =)
Hope he'll love it...
~I Am Blessed~
~I Got 1 Week Left~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
Comments: (0)
Satu minggu lagi liburan gue abis en mesti masuk kuliah lagi. Bisa dibilang, jadwal semester 4 nanti bakal enak enak ngebete'in. Enak karena hari Selasa gue libur dan hari Senin bakal terasa seperti Sabtu [karena besoknya libur. . Selasa. inget? haiz], walaupun di hari itu gue mesti kuliah dari pagi ampe sore. Ngebete'in karena Senin en Kamis gue ada mata kuliah dari pagi sampe sore, yang berarti dalem seminggu ada 2 hari yang full day di kampus. Syukurnya, semua mata kuliah di hari Senin ama Kamis jaraknya ga jauh - jauh amet *HALLELUJAH!!!* Cukup lha buat sekedar makan siang..hehe.
Besides, hari Rabu gue cuma ada 1 mata kuliah entrepreneurship en Jumat cuma ada project yang lamanya cuma 1 jam lebih dikit doank *siiip..!*
Lagian, dibandingin ama jam kerja orang kantor yang 8.30 AM to 5 PM atau 9 AM to 5 PM, tanpa hari libur, jadwal kuliah gue masi JAUH lebih baek =) Contohnya ya cowo gue itu. Ngantor jam 7.30 pagi en baru pulang jam 5 sore. Tapi herannya, jarang banget dia ngerasa males pergi kerja...even itu hari Senin. He believes there is something good in everyday. Seandainya aja gue juga bisa mikir begitu tiap hari Minggu, supaya hari Senin ga males ke kampus..haha.
Gonna blog bout relationship thingy for the next post. Sekarang uda jam 1.39 AM en gue masi belum mandi en keramas padahal besok mau nemenin Venny di rumah sakit.
Met malem smuaa..
~Live Life To The Fullest~
Besides, hari Rabu gue cuma ada 1 mata kuliah entrepreneurship en Jumat cuma ada project yang lamanya cuma 1 jam lebih dikit doank *siiip..!*
Lagian, dibandingin ama jam kerja orang kantor yang 8.30 AM to 5 PM atau 9 AM to 5 PM, tanpa hari libur, jadwal kuliah gue masi JAUH lebih baek =) Contohnya ya cowo gue itu. Ngantor jam 7.30 pagi en baru pulang jam 5 sore. Tapi herannya, jarang banget dia ngerasa males pergi kerja...even itu hari Senin. He believes there is something good in everyday. Seandainya aja gue juga bisa mikir begitu tiap hari Minggu, supaya hari Senin ga males ke kampus..haha.
Gonna blog bout relationship thingy for the next post. Sekarang uda jam 1.39 AM en gue masi belum mandi en keramas padahal besok mau nemenin Venny di rumah sakit.
Met malem smuaa..
~Live Life To The Fullest~
~Si Mom Yang Nyebelin~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Senin, 25 Januari 2010
Comments: (2)
back from a damn long hiatus.
I was so damn pissed off with my mom right now [since this afternoon to be exact]. No, am not referring to my biological mother but to my "mama angkat". Haiz.. never mind, I'll explain to whoever you are. So, besides my biological mother [I call her "mami"], I have this "mama angkat". She is my father's older brother's wife and I call her "Mom". Got it got it?! Arghh..
[at this moment, I'm so tempted to put her picture up on my blog. But, as the saying goes..always prepare for the worst. Who knows one day she gonna see it? right? right?! Now, i feel like a 'chicken'. damn it]
Jadi gini yach, sepertinya di setiap keluarga pasti ada salah satu anggotanya yang ga tau aturan, ga tau sopan santun, pokoknya yang nyebelin BANGET dech. Si nyebelin ini biasanya emang ga disukain ama hampir semua anggota keluarga yang lain juga [jadi bukan lo doank yang ga suka ama dia..].
Nah, si Mom nyebelin ini ga disukain gara - gara gayanya yang OKB banget, alias Orang Kaya Baru. Dari apa yang gue denger, dia ini dulunya dari keluarga yang biasa banget. Then, she got married to my daddy [my father's older brother. Remember?] who's the richest person in our family. Dari sini, mulai dech tingkahnya yang aneh bin ga tau sopan santu itu dimulai..
Supaya lebi simple en singkat, gue tulis dalam bentuk daftar aja. Here goes,
Anyway, hari ini gue sukses nahan kesel seharian.. Gue ga langsung bales message dia di Facebook dengan kata - kata yang sarcastic or whatever. All thanks to si pacar en juga sesi ngegym hari ini.
Tapi barusan gue sengaja nulis status tentang dia di Facebook. Hope she'll read it. O yach, ga lupa juga gue bales message dia dengan rada sombong juga...mwahaha..
Nite2 er'one.. Gonna publish new photos to facebook. Bye2.
~Having A Headache~
I was so damn pissed off with my mom right now [since this afternoon to be exact]. No, am not referring to my biological mother but to my "mama angkat". Haiz.. never mind, I'll explain to whoever you are. So, besides my biological mother [I call her "mami"], I have this "mama angkat". She is my father's older brother's wife and I call her "Mom". Got it got it?! Arghh..
[at this moment, I'm so tempted to put her picture up on my blog. But, as the saying goes..always prepare for the worst. Who knows one day she gonna see it? right? right?! Now, i feel like a 'chicken'. damn it]
Jadi gini yach, sepertinya di setiap keluarga pasti ada salah satu anggotanya yang ga tau aturan, ga tau sopan santun, pokoknya yang nyebelin BANGET dech. Si nyebelin ini biasanya emang ga disukain ama hampir semua anggota keluarga yang lain juga [jadi bukan lo doank yang ga suka ama dia..].
Nah, si Mom nyebelin ini ga disukain gara - gara gayanya yang OKB banget, alias Orang Kaya Baru. Dari apa yang gue denger, dia ini dulunya dari keluarga yang biasa banget. Then, she got married to my daddy [my father's older brother. Remember?] who's the richest person in our family. Dari sini, mulai dech tingkahnya yang aneh bin ga tau sopan santu itu dimulai..
Supaya lebi simple en singkat, gue tulis dalam bentuk daftar aja. Here goes,
Daftar perbuatan si mom nyebelin=
1. Waktu baru married, dia tinggal serumah ama grandma gue. Kerjaannya tiap bangun pagi tu langsung mandi en DANDAN! Pake kaos jalan + jeans di ruma, en perhaps some light make up. EVEN WHEN SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE FOR THE WHOLE F*CKING DAY! Terus nonton TV sebentar, dilanjutin ama mengurung diri di kamar sampai jam makan siang.
2. Biasanya, menantu yang nyiapin makanan terus manggil mertuanya makan. Iya kan? Iya, itu kalo si menantu punya sopan santun en tau diri. Nah, yang ini malah kebalikannya. Amma gue yang masak dibantu ama pembantu. Terus waktu makanan udah siap di meja, amma gue juga yang ngetok pintu kamar dia en manggil dia makan. Luar biasa! Padahal dia sehat bugar, tapi tingkahnya kaya orang baru balik dari rumah sakit abis melahirkan..ckck.
3. Ngakunya sich dia lulusan Amerika, en dia soknya minta ampun!!! Dari dulu, dia kalo sms nyokap gue, sukanya gaya - gayaan pake bahasa inggris. Selain itu, kalo sms ga ada stopnya. Pernah sekali itu dia sms nyokap gue pake bahasa inggris en nyebelin abis. Akhirnya, gue yang bales2an ama dia...duh.
4. Tadi, dia mulai belagak lagi. Nyokap beli'in baju buat anaknya untuk acara Chinese New Year. Kebetulan si anak ga suka pake baju berkerah en yang dikasi nyokap tuch ada kerahnya. Dia minta nyokap gue untuk ganti ama baju yang laen. Gpp sich kalo dia minta nyokap ganti'in tuch baju. Tapi apa perlu dia ngasi tau kalo dia ga suka ke Pasar Atum gara - gara Pasar Atum sumpek ama jorok. Please dech! Presiden aja bisa makan pecel di warung! And mind you, Pasar Atum sama kaya Mangga Dua di Jakarta.. Gelo ah, dasar Orang Kaya Baru ya gitu dech!
5. Dia nanya ama nyokap, size baju gue masi T3 atau sekarang uda jadi T4? Damn her! Dia kira dia tinggal di Paris?? Pake T3 T4 sgala.. Apa susahnya sich nanya S, M, atau L?! Lagian apaan tuch maksudnya sekarang gue uda T4?! T4 refers to LARGE..what the hell. For your information, she's such a chicken she didn't dare to insult me in person! She sent me a message in Facebook asking whether I'm still T3 or slimmer already.. Why didn't she ask me directly if I am getting fatter or not?! The funny thing is, 2 out of her 3 kids are OBESE. Ok, i love her kids and i love my daddy.. the only person I hate is her and only her! [well, am quite a sensitive person especially when it comes to weight..huhuuu]
1. Waktu baru married, dia tinggal serumah ama grandma gue. Kerjaannya tiap bangun pagi tu langsung mandi en DANDAN! Pake kaos jalan + jeans di ruma, en perhaps some light make up. EVEN WHEN SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE FOR THE WHOLE F*CKING DAY! Terus nonton TV sebentar, dilanjutin ama mengurung diri di kamar sampai jam makan siang.
2. Biasanya, menantu yang nyiapin makanan terus manggil mertuanya makan. Iya kan? Iya, itu kalo si menantu punya sopan santun en tau diri. Nah, yang ini malah kebalikannya. Amma gue yang masak dibantu ama pembantu. Terus waktu makanan udah siap di meja, amma gue juga yang ngetok pintu kamar dia en manggil dia makan. Luar biasa! Padahal dia sehat bugar, tapi tingkahnya kaya orang baru balik dari rumah sakit abis melahirkan..ckck.
3. Ngakunya sich dia lulusan Amerika, en dia soknya minta ampun!!! Dari dulu, dia kalo sms nyokap gue, sukanya gaya - gayaan pake bahasa inggris. Selain itu, kalo sms ga ada stopnya. Pernah sekali itu dia sms nyokap gue pake bahasa inggris en nyebelin abis. Akhirnya, gue yang bales2an ama dia...duh.
4. Tadi, dia mulai belagak lagi. Nyokap beli'in baju buat anaknya untuk acara Chinese New Year. Kebetulan si anak ga suka pake baju berkerah en yang dikasi nyokap tuch ada kerahnya. Dia minta nyokap gue untuk ganti ama baju yang laen. Gpp sich kalo dia minta nyokap ganti'in tuch baju. Tapi apa perlu dia ngasi tau kalo dia ga suka ke Pasar Atum gara - gara Pasar Atum sumpek ama jorok. Please dech! Presiden aja bisa makan pecel di warung! And mind you, Pasar Atum sama kaya Mangga Dua di Jakarta.. Gelo ah, dasar Orang Kaya Baru ya gitu dech!
5. Dia nanya ama nyokap, size baju gue masi T3 atau sekarang uda jadi T4? Damn her! Dia kira dia tinggal di Paris?? Pake T3 T4 sgala.. Apa susahnya sich nanya S, M, atau L?! Lagian apaan tuch maksudnya sekarang gue uda T4?! T4 refers to LARGE..what the hell. For your information, she's such a chicken she didn't dare to insult me in person! She sent me a message in Facebook asking whether I'm still T3 or slimmer already.. Why didn't she ask me directly if I am getting fatter or not?! The funny thing is, 2 out of her 3 kids are OBESE. Ok, i love her kids and i love my daddy.. the only person I hate is her and only her! [well, am quite a sensitive person especially when it comes to weight..huhuuu]
Anyway, hari ini gue sukses nahan kesel seharian.. Gue ga langsung bales message dia di Facebook dengan kata - kata yang sarcastic or whatever. All thanks to si pacar en juga sesi ngegym hari ini.
Tapi barusan gue sengaja nulis status tentang dia di Facebook. Hope she'll read it. O yach, ga lupa juga gue bales message dia dengan rada sombong juga...mwahaha..
Nite2 er'one.. Gonna publish new photos to facebook. Bye2.
~Having A Headache~
~Welcoming Two Thousand And Ten~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010
Comments: (2)
[supposed to post this up on 2nd of January but I don't have time.. was too busy playing farmville and hanging out with si pacar every-single-day]
I re-read my 2009 resolutions only to realized that I failed most of them..damn it.
I didn't travel to a new city, not even in my own country. I went to Makassar for my new year holiday and so what? That's my 27363443rd times visiting Makassar anyway *sounds so ungrateful wth*
I didn't spend my money wisely enough last year for I tried to enhance my appearance [which also failed..wth] by buying new make up stuffs + a couple of shoes + new dresses, etc. I even bought a new dog last year. So much for spending wisely.
Though I exercised regularly till mid of 2009 and actually lost 7 kg, I gained my weight back somewhere around September. When Muslims started fasting, I started eating like there's no tomorrow (-.-!)
I didn't manage to get a part-time job. I joined Ray White company [a real estate agent] and not even a month I started working, I quit. Anyway, the salary here is not good enough I better used my free time to sleep or watching more dramas or hang out with friends or browsing the internet.
I missed church almost ever single Sunday..wth. There's a point in my life during 2009 when I secretly questioning my beliefs [religion to be precise]. As long as I can remember, my life in 2009 was pretty smooth. I got almost everything I wanted. My parents just bought me a Blackberry, I got myself a new dog, have a boyfriend, school has been quite fun..and yet, here I am, driving myself further and further away from Him. At nights I prayed for Him to pull me closer, strengthen my faith and tighten our relationship just like before.
Anyway, beside those failure, there are certain things I successfully achieved in 2009 as well. I don't get tan, I wear more girly clothes a.k.a dresses, got myself a boyfriend to spend events/holidays with and I think positively [not much negative thinking anymore..mwahaha]. Eh? Wth! Only three not-really-useful things I achieved last year.....duh -__________- [three, not four, cause getting a boyfriend counted as useful..wth]
After all, 2009 was not bad at all..though it's not THAT good.
I re-read my 2009 resolutions only to realized that I failed most of them..damn it.
I didn't travel to a new city, not even in my own country. I went to Makassar for my new year holiday and so what? That's my 27363443rd times visiting Makassar anyway *sounds so ungrateful wth*
I didn't spend my money wisely enough last year for I tried to enhance my appearance [which also failed..wth] by buying new make up stuffs + a couple of shoes + new dresses, etc. I even bought a new dog last year. So much for spending wisely.
Though I exercised regularly till mid of 2009 and actually lost 7 kg, I gained my weight back somewhere around September. When Muslims started fasting, I started eating like there's no tomorrow (-.-!)
I didn't manage to get a part-time job. I joined Ray White company [a real estate agent] and not even a month I started working, I quit. Anyway, the salary here is not good enough I better used my free time to sleep or watching more dramas or hang out with friends or browsing the internet.
I missed church almost ever single Sunday..wth. There's a point in my life during 2009 when I secretly questioning my beliefs [religion to be precise]. As long as I can remember, my life in 2009 was pretty smooth. I got almost everything I wanted. My parents just bought me a Blackberry, I got myself a new dog, have a boyfriend, school has been quite fun..and yet, here I am, driving myself further and further away from Him. At nights I prayed for Him to pull me closer, strengthen my faith and tighten our relationship just like before.
Anyway, beside those failure, there are certain things I successfully achieved in 2009 as well. I don't get tan, I wear more girly clothes a.k.a dresses, got myself a boyfriend to spend events/holidays with and I think positively [not much negative thinking anymore..mwahaha]. Eh? Wth! Only three not-really-useful things I achieved last year.....duh -__________- [three, not four, cause getting a boyfriend counted as useful..wth]
After all, 2009 was not bad at all..though it's not THAT good.
Here are my 2010 RESOLUTIONS
1. Exercise 3 times a week.
2. Drink more water.
3. Learn Mandarin [take a tuition].
4. SPEND WISELY [I don't need, I don't buy].
5. SAVE MORE $$$$ [am a super stingy person this year]
6. Go to China for the whole December '10 [haven't decided which part of China I wanna go yet].
7. Go to church at least twice a week
8. Be more patient & understanding
9. EAT WISELY [no junk food, eat rice only once a week]
10. Less cynical
11. Treat people like how I wanna be treated [finally..ahahaha]
2. Drink more water.
3. Learn Mandarin [take a tuition].
4. SPEND WISELY [I don't need, I don't buy].
5. SAVE MORE $$$$ [am a super stingy person this year]
6. Go to China for the whole December '10 [haven't decided which part of China I wanna go yet].
7. Go to church at least twice a week
8. Be more patient & understanding
9. EAT WISELY [no junk food, eat rice only once a week]
10. Less cynical
11. Treat people like how I wanna be treated [finally..ahahaha]