Ga terasa, udah lewat 1 bulan setengah sejak gue ngeraya'in malam taon baru 2010.. and it means school gonna start soon, REAL SOON, like 2 more days kinda soon *wth* (-.-!)
Random things during this one and a half month [all 'bout me or me-related or none-bout-you orGH]
1. Papi bought a new blackberry for me and I've been using it since one week ago or so.. [padahal dia ngasinya uda dari awal Januari kemarin]. All thanks to my 'gaptek'ness and love for procrastination, gue baru sign up tuch hp ke XL Centre minggu lalu..
Frankly speaking, gue suka sich make nich handphone. Tapi masi belum terbiasa ngetik di keyboard sekecil itu [ngga! jari gue ga gendut koq..]. Bikin males sms panjang - panjang. I'm not THAT into Facebook, ga aktif di twitter, masih berokupasi sebagai mahasiswi dan belum jadi business woman yang super sibuk di mana mesti ngecheck email setiap hari. Jadi intinya, gue heran kenapa banyak BANGET anak kuliahan pake BB [en tambah yakin kalo remaja - remaja di sini pada kaya bebek ganti Blackberry cuma buat gaya - gaya'an doank..]. Jangan sama'in remaja Indo yang sekola di Aussie [gue ga tau kalo negara laen] yang juga pake Blackberry secara di Aussie mereka bisa dapet nich HP gratis, cuma tinggal ambil plan doank di provider - provider tertentu. Kalo gratis, kenapa ngga? Anyway, thank you papi...not only for the new phone but for it also shows that you love me so much muach *awww*
2. Karena alasan tertentu, sepertinya ga lama lagi gue bakal tinggal di rumah baru. I don't know for sure when we are going to move, tapi bisa dipasti'in tahun ini juga. Sekarang nyokap masih nyari rumah baru yang hadap Timur. Puji Tuhan, ukuran rumah baru nanti bakal sama seperti rumah gue yang sekarang atau syukur - syukur malah lebih gede [BUKAN jauuuh lebih gede lho yach! Kalo itu mah nunggu gue tunangan ma pangeran William dulu kali]
Di satu sisi, gue seneng mau pindah rumah. Yah, ada pergantian suasana lha. Tapi di sisi laen, gue suka ama rumah gue yang sekarang..apalagi lingkungannya [graha family gitu lhoo~]. Pastinya gue bakal sedih waktu pindah en ga tinggal di sini lagi. Tau kalo semua rutinitas gue di rumah bakal beda en ga sama lagi . Moga - moga aja, abis liat rumahnya en udah pindah...gue ngerasa seneng *amen*
3. I think, I am in love with him. Awalnya, gue cuma sekedar suka biasa doank ama dia.. en tentang ini, kapan - kapan aja gue cerita'in. Gue bener - bener harus berterima kasih ama Tuhan karena udah ngasi dia buat nemenin gue. I don't know how long this relationship gonna last.. I truly hope he's the one. But, you'll never know, right? With him besides me, trying his best to do whatever [logical] things he can to make me happy.. For once, I completely feel like I'm the luckiest girl on earth. You know, family..friends..and now him = close to perfection *blessed*
The more I 'love' him, the bigger my worry is. Perhaps, just like he told me countless times, I shall put all my worries in HIS' hand. Should trust HIM more..that HE gonna take care of me the best way
4. Si pacar baru beli mobil baru en besok udah dateng. Well, status sebagai pacar dia doank ga langsung menjadikan mobil dia sebagai mobil gue juga. Tapi yang pasti mulai besok kita bakal ngedate dengan mobil baru [en bukan second lho.. en mobil pribadi lho.. en bukannya gue matre lho.. I'm just SAYING]. Itu artinya besok dia jemput gue jam 10 pagi. Dan oleh karena itu, jam 8 besok pagi dia bakal ngebangunin gue en jam 10 gue udah harus siap. Sekarang udah jam 5 PAGI lewat 42 menit..huhuuuuu. Besides, gue dah janji ama dia kalo gue bakal tidur jam 3 tadi *now I feel like slapping my neighbour's face for I love to put blame on others..haiz [just kidding!]*
Oh tidak! I forgot to take picture of his old car! Padahal dulu kita jadiannya ya di mobil dia yang sebelumnya itu... *at this moment I seriously want to kick my neighbour upside down.. en here's another [JUST KIDDING]*
Selamat Pagi semuaaaa....
~We Belong Together~
~Tied Together With A Smile~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Jumat, 05 Februari 2010
Comments: (1)
~You're My Honeybunch~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Rabu, 03 Februari 2010
Comments: (3)
(3 February 2010, Wednesday)
He reached my house around 6 o'clock that night. I opened the main door for him and the second thing he said to me was, "Ini buat kamu" *sambil ngasi tas kecil warna biru muda*
[the very first sentence came out from his mouth once he saw me = "Tunggu tunggu! Kita di rumahmu dulu... Di luar masi banjir". (-______________-!) Yeah, rencananya tadi malem kita mau makan ayam bakar di wiyung terus jalan - jalan ke PTC. Tapi waktu itu lagi ujan deras en di mana - mana banjir. Namanya juga Eh, I'm not complaining though. I prefer rainy season than drought]
I was, of course, surprised AND happy. But, let me tell you the truth. Though I was happy and all, actually the first thing on my mind was this "Please don't tell me this is an early Valentine present! Not an early monthly-anniversary-present either! I don't want an early present T.T If this is a Val day present then it supposed to be given on Valentine day itself! 14 feb! Not earlier or later!". *doesn't mean I'm not being grateful or what..okok? huhuuu*
I think I was just afraid if he give it to me now then on 14 feb I won't get anything, which means on the real Valentine day, I actually got nothing. Well, I mean I'd got a/n [advanced] Valentine gift but still, FACT HAS IT that on 14 February my boyfriend give me nothing. No chocolate, no flower, only a simple nothing. Perhaps, this is quite important for me because it's our first val day together as a couple.
Note = we did celebrate it together last year...and that's when we were being introduced to each other ^.^
Anyway, back to the topic.. After a few seconds, common sense stroke me [what a words..]. Dia ga bilang kalo ngasi ini buat hadiah valentine. Dia ga bilang apa - apa, en artinya dia cuma mau ngasih doank..hehe *mulai tenang dan senang*
Di sini gue mulai penasaran kira - kira isinya apa. I asked him what was inside and he told me to open it up. Hmm, what if whatever inside doesn't excite me, and there he is! Standing right in front of me watching my 'oh, okay'-face??? Then, I took a seat on one of the chairs in the living room. Lucky me, he went to the toilet to change his working shirt to a casual T-shirt. I opened the pressie and BENER - BENER SENENG WAKTU NGELIAT INI ^_________________^
I love cupcakes! I think Melda and Meimutz know how I love looking at those cute CUTE cakes! When I'm typing this, I already ate the purple one.. yang terbalik itu lho, di atasnya ada icing bentuk bebek. Rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada yang dijual di PTC *puji Tuhan*
Nich, close up for the oh-so-cute baby boy ^^
Let me say this again, I LOVEEEE cute CUPCAKES! one out of a few things I love love love~
The story behind the pic above = Waktu itu uda lewat jam 11 malem, gue lagi nonton Take A Celebrity Out sambil duduk nyenderan ke dia. Pengen nyemil, gue jadi ngebayangin makan tuch cupcake en gue baru nyadar kalo gue belum take a pic of him and the cupcakes. Akhirnya gue ngebujuk dia supaya mau difoto di ruang makan aja.. Secara di sana lebih terang. Gue juga ngotot manggil dd gue turun ke bawah en help us take a picture. Padahal si pacar maunya kita foto sendiri aja...biar ga ngerepotin si dd. But, I want to take a picture of us, as nice as possible because I NEED it and the time I have is running low..
*ehem* Gue lagi nyiapin something buat dia =)
Hope he'll love it...
~I Am Blessed~
He reached my house around 6 o'clock that night. I opened the main door for him and the second thing he said to me was, "Ini buat kamu" *sambil ngasi tas kecil warna biru muda*
[the very first sentence came out from his mouth once he saw me = "Tunggu tunggu! Kita di rumahmu dulu... Di luar masi banjir". (-______________-!) Yeah, rencananya tadi malem kita mau makan ayam bakar di wiyung terus jalan - jalan ke PTC. Tapi waktu itu lagi ujan deras en di mana - mana banjir. Namanya juga Eh, I'm not complaining though. I prefer rainy season than drought]
I was, of course, surprised AND happy. But, let me tell you the truth. Though I was happy and all, actually the first thing on my mind was this "Please don't tell me this is an early Valentine present! Not an early monthly-anniversary-present either! I don't want an early present T.T If this is a Val day present then it supposed to be given on Valentine day itself! 14 feb! Not earlier or later!". *doesn't mean I'm not being grateful or what..okok? huhuuu*
I think I was just afraid if he give it to me now then on 14 feb I won't get anything, which means on the real Valentine day, I actually got nothing. Well, I mean I'd got a/n [advanced] Valentine gift but still, FACT HAS IT that on 14 February my boyfriend give me nothing. No chocolate, no flower, only a simple nothing. Perhaps, this is quite important for me because it's our first val day together as a couple.
Note = we did celebrate it together last year...and that's when we were being introduced to each other ^.^
Anyway, back to the topic.. After a few seconds, common sense stroke me [what a words..]. Dia ga bilang kalo ngasi ini buat hadiah valentine. Dia ga bilang apa - apa, en artinya dia cuma mau ngasih doank..hehe *mulai tenang dan senang*
Di sini gue mulai penasaran kira - kira isinya apa. I asked him what was inside and he told me to open it up. Hmm, what if whatever inside doesn't excite me, and there he is! Standing right in front of me watching my 'oh, okay'-face??? Then, I took a seat on one of the chairs in the living room. Lucky me, he went to the toilet to change his working shirt to a casual T-shirt. I opened the pressie and BENER - BENER SENENG WAKTU NGELIAT INI ^_________________^
I love cupcakes! I think Melda and Meimutz know how I love looking at those cute CUTE cakes! When I'm typing this, I already ate the purple one.. yang terbalik itu lho, di atasnya ada icing bentuk bebek. Rasanya jauh lebih enak daripada yang dijual di PTC *puji Tuhan*
Nich, close up for the oh-so-cute baby boy ^^
Let me say this again, I LOVEEEE cute CUPCAKES! one out of a few things I love love love~
The story behind the pic above = Waktu itu uda lewat jam 11 malem, gue lagi nonton Take A Celebrity Out sambil duduk nyenderan ke dia. Pengen nyemil, gue jadi ngebayangin makan tuch cupcake en gue baru nyadar kalo gue belum take a pic of him and the cupcakes. Akhirnya gue ngebujuk dia supaya mau difoto di ruang makan aja.. Secara di sana lebih terang. Gue juga ngotot manggil dd gue turun ke bawah en help us take a picture. Padahal si pacar maunya kita foto sendiri aja...biar ga ngerepotin si dd. But, I want to take a picture of us, as nice as possible because I NEED it and the time I have is running low..
*ehem* Gue lagi nyiapin something buat dia =)
Hope he'll love it...
~I Am Blessed~