~Gym, Determination..Uoooogh!~

Buat sebagian orang, termasuk beberapa dr temen2 gue, it's impossible for them to gain weight no matter how much amount of food they eat every single day *contoh = Fanny "biak" di mudika, Juwita "margie" en Cindy "yg skarang kul di Melb"*.

Buat beberapa orang yg laen, mereka bisa menggendut sampe batasan tertentu..and then, that's it. Makan makan makan, paling naeknya dikit. Udah gt, kalo mau dikurusin lg, they just need to cut down a bit of their regular-size meal and there it comes..their ideal normal body is back, en mereka ga butuh waktu lama buat itu! *contoh lagi = kalo ga salah ce Jussy gitu dech*

Unfortunate for me, jadi gendut itu gampang! Bahkan saking gampangnya, menggendut buat gue itu uda seperti BAKAT....

So, i NEED to do something about it.. or else, I'll end up being obese.

Mungkin kalian pikir gue berlebihan, hiperbola ato being exaggerating. But, I'm not.
You might say that I'm not fat but chubby. Thank you..
For your information, gue tau bedanya "FAT" sama "CHUBBY"...and I know that I'm not "FAT" yet. But the fact that I'm gaining weight still bothering me.

I am concern about my appearance and how people look at me. To be honest, sedikit banyak I lose my confidence tiap kali gue tau kalo berat badan gue naek. You might think I am shallow, tapi cewe mana sich yg BENER2 ngerasa tetep OK kalo tau berat badannya naek mulu? 1:100 I would say. And I'm not that type of person who can accepts the fact that "I am beautiful though I am fat". I need to do something.

I wanna do this for my own sake. To stay healthy and boost my confidence. Bukan buat orang laen, karena toh gue tau kalo gue ga bakal kehilangan temen cuma karena gue ga kurus en I don't want a boyfriend who likes me only for my appearance =)

So, I wanna lose more weight this month because I think I've gained a considerable amount of weight on March *sigh*

~I want a firm body, not a thin one~

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

EidHH ada namakuw ! hahahaha gak ko ce, ini lagi diet disini.. :P hihihi !

Felicia Loves Chocolate mengatakan...

sejak kapan km tau "diet"? ahahaha =p
Ga mungkin banget..dasar!