I shall let the pictures do the talking.. *and tentu saja gue bakal ngomong2 sendiri abis itu*
*his real name is matsuyama kenichi.but I only adore his role in Death Note. Call him L instead*
I love the Death Note series and have a huge crush on L since then. I watched the 3rd movie, and why oh why L's dead?! *sob my heart out*
Never mind, gue bisa nonton ulang lagi en lagi persis seperti gue ngebaca ulang Harry Potter series...
On a harder note, gue kira minggu depan bakal lebi santai dr minggu ini. I was really looking forward to next week damn it! Ampe gue tau kalo =
Saturday (tomorrow) = kirim email hasil wawancara nyari vendor (min.1) ke Pak Wirawan paling lambat jam 3 siang.
Monday (next week) = harus ngumpulin laporan ttg observasi anak2 semester 3 yg buka stand di GoCi.
Wednesday (next week) = ada tugas Entrepreneurship 1 yg datanya harus diambil dr UC share + ngumpulin laporan observasi akhir.
Friday (next week) = ngumpulin laporan (makalah) tentang Mr.Liong, yg tadi jadi pembicara di kelas Business Inspiring + ngumpulin paper karena tadi gue telat *again*
mau GILA rasanya!
cuaca panas + banyak tugas = CHOCOLATE IS STRONGLY NEEDED!
Yach, paling ngga besok udah weekend.. Mari teman2 kita jalan, nonton en ngafe seperti biasanya.. biar ga tamba cepet panas nich kepala!
(damn it)(please excuse my cursing)(damn it)(i love talking in brackets)(damn it).
~Cowo yg gampang GR = Seriously, menjijikkan sekali...~
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