I have no mood to write anything nowadays.. Ironic, since I have lots of "tales" to tell. But, what happened in Vegas, stays in Vegas. So, what happened last nite..shall not be told to anyone*agree with u Mei*. For that I will keep my mouth shut..and I believe you'll do so. History repeats itself. Foolish is what I felt...
Satu minggu koq cepet banget yach? Padahal rasanya baru kemaren mulai libur Lebaran. Anyway, kapan sich masuk kuliah lagi? Di kalender yg pernah dibagi'in, katanya masuk tanggal 6.. Tapi ada yg bilang, di papan pengumuman ditulis kalo masuk lagi tanggal 8. Mana yg bener?!
On a completely different note, gue inget pernah baca ini di radityadika.com, "The idea that we can only be complete with another person is evil". Don't you think it's true? As if saying that your own happiness FULLY depends on the presence of someone else.. En tanpa kehadiran si "the one/Mr.Right/Ms.Right", lo ga bakal complete/sempurna. Tapi, sejahat2nya itu... toh pada kenyataannya emang kaya gitu kan? Kebanyakkan *kalo ga mau dibilang hampir semua* orang baru bs ngerasa sempurna kalo uda ketemu ama soulmatenya.
Kalo ada org yg ngomong dia happy being single. Gue percaya. Tapi toh bakal ada satu titik, di mana dia pasti kepikirin juga "Where's my other-half damn it?!". Especially cewe2 yg tinggalnya di Asia (eg.Indo) en umurnya udah mendekati 30. Mungkin dianya sendiri masi pengen single, atau emang masi belum ketemu the one.. tapi people will talk eventually. Ga peduli seberapa sukses si cewe, kalo ampe umur tertentu en blum merit, seringnya cap perawan tua bakal "mampir". Cruel. [damn it][gue bahkan belum hit my 25][and am talking about this?!][damn it]
"the more i curhat ama feli, the more screwed up i become...like so indecisive...and these emo songs are getting to me!! NOOOOO"
AND THE MORE I CURHAT AMA MEI, THE MORE I FEEL PATHETIC OF BEING SINGLE.. *n gue jd ngerasa tamba pathetic lg abis ngomong ini*
After these few months gue jadi single and happy2... cuma gara2 crita ttg gimana pengennya gue ke Spore, trus disambung ngebahas ttg luv... Hasil akhirnya jd ngerasa kalo "bakal nyenengin banget kali yach kalo natalan ini bs ke spore ama org yg jd cowo kita en ngedate di sana" compared ama di Indo yg peginya cuma ke mall mall en mall.. Intinya, jd pgn dpt cwo yg bnr2 kt syg n bs nemenin ke spore brg [bare with the last sentence, will u?]
Tapi, kalo inget nilai2 UTS bentar lg keluar... *put my hands together, bring them to my chest and start saying "moga2 nilai UTSku bagus..A+ smua... AMEN! *
I am so sleepy now and blog for the sake of blogging itself. I don't know what to say anymore. Bahkan skarang gue sendiri jg rada ga ngerti ama apa yg udah gue bilang di atas. It's 12:23 PM at the moment n gue belum tidur sama sekali dr tadi malam. Moga2 gue ga mati muda gara2 kurang tidur. *en moga2 kuliah baru mulai tgl 8*
~Nothing Takes The Flavor Out of Peanut Butter Quite Like Unrequited Love~
~Bring Non-Sense Rambling to A New Step~
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Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Sabtu, 04 Oktober 2008
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