Besok hari terakhir ujian yang artinya abis itu gue bisa nyantai 2 bulan penuh..yay!
Kalo ujian udah selesai, berarti ga lama lagi sepertinya dia bakal "nanya". En gue, ampe sekarang, masi bingung...Ya Tuhan!!!
I'm so fickle minded. No?! Baru aja kemarin gue ngerasa udah punya jawabannya. Tapi kemarin, gue mulai ragu lagi.
I'm enjoying my current life so much..
with all those attentions and all.
Would his jealousy ruins it?
Perhaps, I should learn about loyalty.
(not that I am a disloyal b*tch, I just want everyone to think that I'm still single..even when I'm not. damnit)
~Could Hardly Breath~
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