Ospek is over and it left me exhausted yet happyhappy ^^
The closing night was darn fun coz of that short disco time. Nope! Not just another disco time but they have those breakdancers unofficial appearance and they ARE oh-so-good-they-"wow"ed-me can?! *ehem* ONE of them has the look *ehem*
My point of view buat ospek UC,
ternyata pas banget ama yg gue harepin ^_______________________^ *big smile*
They are well-organized. Salut dech ama panitia2nya.. Kegiatan2nya juga useful, mulai dari :
1. selling games [bahkan orang bego juga tau kalo Ciputra tuch kampus yg fokus banget ama entrepreneur-thingy/bisnis-related..en what's business without selling?]
2. jelajah Nusantara [at least now I know roughly which floor I am supposed to go when I am hungry]
3. outbond [team work, sounds familiar?]
Sorry to say, buat acara outbond.. kayanya waktunya kurang BANGET. Harusnya semua games sempet dimaenin ama every single maharu. Too bad, ada beberapa games yg missed out a.k.a ga sempet dimaenin..boohoo. Tapi, mungkin itu gara2 kejadian-ga-terduga bis yg dunno why tiba2 mogok di perjalanan thus sampai ke Grand Trawas rada telat en waktu acaranya jg ga mungkin diundur/diperlama. That's ok though..
Ttg para panitianya, they are so young but have such a good responsibility.. For instance, slama ospek kita mesti ngumpul pagi banget, sekitar jam 5.30 atau jam 6 which means semua panitianya harus datang lebih pagi lg en mereka bisa + kayanya sich ga telat. To top it up, they carry themselves well, very well instead. Mature tapi ga sok2an (at least panitia2 yg gue liat kaya gitu). Sebelum ospek, gue sempet mikir "swt lha kalo ntar ampe dibentak ama yg lebi kecil..duh!", ternyata mereka ga gt..bahkan MAhasiswa pendamPING kelompok gue (her name is Isabella, u can call her Bella) tuch kesannya mature bangeeet...hahaha. Besides, they didn't purposely look for mistakes. All in all, they did a great job =)
Moga2 taon depan gue jg bisa jadi salah satu panitia Ospekti dech.
but why why why anak2 yg kuliah di sana paling tua umurnya baru 20 taon? Let alone para maharunya.. Emang sich ada 3-SAN-THREE-TIGA-TELU cowo yg cukup cakep!, keren!, manis! di sana..tapiii, paling tua jg baru 20 taon wtfomgduh =(
Waktu gue bilang ospeknya ga semengerikan ospek2 yg gue denger en para panitianya jg ga nakut2in/ngebentak2 para mahasiswa2 baru, Ko Chandra bilang "hahaha..niat ga sich ngasi ospek?" atau "Itu sich bukan ospek".
Well koko, like I told you before (and I would love to repeat it here plus add some more) :
1. Ga semua OSPEK harus ada acara nakut2in/bentak2 maba baru bisa disebut ospek kan?
2. Dengan nakut2in/marah2 ga penting ke juniornya, nandain kalo para panitianya CHILDISH! Or let say, gila hormat_sok senior_immature.
3. Can you actually give respect to someone who IS older (lebi senior) than you when they repeatedly non-sensely *if there's such word* YELLED at you? And it's clear that they're lovin it. Now u tell me! [For me, gue ga bisa naruh respect ke orang2 kaya gitu..instead, gue pasti sibuk nyumpah2in mereka dalam hati]
4. Mungkin UBAYA, petra atau kampus2 di Indo KEBANYAKKAN ospeknya konyol/bego/sarap/USELESS kaya gt..tapi bkn berarti semua ospek harus seperti itu. En kalo emang semua kampus ospeknya harus kaya gt, artinya Ciputra had made very good improvement then..because personally, I prefer ospek yg nyenengin buat diingat rather than ospek yg traumatized =)
5. Orientation artinya dibentak2/disuruh aneh2/nakut2in maba = orientation their AS*!
Tapi, somehow, gue ngerasa seneng juga kalo tau ada orang2 yg orientationnya nyeremin padahal gue seneng2...hahahahaha. It makes me laugh. Ok, gue jahat. Shut up.
~God doesn't play dice~
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