ok I changed my mind about project 2...
it IS tiring... en masi sama ngeMALESinnya...
Tapi lumayan FUN.... at least bisa maen2 ampe malem ama anak2 yg laen, en masak2nya jg seru..
So, ya suda dech =)
Anw, gara2 gue [tadinya] ga happy gara2 project 2...ada temen gue yg ngira kalo gue swt ama dia.
"Ngga kooooq.....skarang i uda sayank u! en I have NO reason buat swt ama lo....huhuuuuu"
Tapi, ttg transferring thingy....
yeah, gue masi mertimbangin soal itu.
Somehow, gue ngerasa transfer lebi baek...mengingat waktu en $nya...
- Tapi, kampus itu terkenal ga gitu bagus, how? Tapi emang ada yg peduli gt ya lo lulusan mana? Lagian kalo bisa, abis S1 gue pengen ke C*** blajar bahasa [alasan, padahal pengen jalan2..hm] en di sana ga peduli lo dr kampus mana. En banyak jg orang2 yg skola di luar AMPE LULUS, malah balik indo kerja ama ortu... Iya kalo bener2 langsung kerja, ini ada yg ngga lho...
- Tapi, gimana kalo gue ga betah di kampus sana? Coz gue uda betah banget di kampus yg ini... anak2nya enak, mata kuliahnya enak... *ini yg paling susa*
- Tapi, di kampus ini 3.5 taon baru lulus while di sana paling lama juga 2 taon, how? Total waktu yg gue abisin untuk lulus dari UC bisa gue pake untuk dapet gelar yg sama plus udah tinggal di C*** 1.5 taon... Yg beda yach ijazah dari uni. Gmn donk? haduh..
*lama2 dipikirin mulu, kayanya gue tetep stay di UC dech*
Arrrrghhhh =(
~Crossroad Blues~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Senin, 23 Februari 2009
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I have a loooot to tell, but I don't know where or how to start =(
"Just start anywhere" you would say....
And usually, I'll start pouring everything...not exactly from the beginning. But, that's ok...coz I know you would understand..
and you did.
Though so far, you are just an email away [since sms' space is too short wth and the fact that I can rarely go online on msn nowadays..email is the best ops damn it].
I miss J...a lil too much.
Gue kangeeeen hang out bareng lo lagi, gue kangen curhat2 bareng lo lagi, gue kangen ngebitch [bahasa halusnya = ngegosip] ttg orang bareng lo lagi en gue simply kangen ama lo! (T.T)
Anyway, thanks to Project 2, skarang gue ngerasa hidup gue ga enjoyable.. *makasi banyaaak!*
Ada ga sich kata2 motivasi yg lebi bagus daripada =
1. sabaaar
2. tiga bulan aja, ga lama
3. dulu dd juga gitu
4. jgn dirasain, ntar jadinya makin lama
1. gue udah nyoba sabar.... sedikiiiit lagi, en gue bakal sampe di titik "pasrah" en jalanin smuanya kaya zombie [bakal gue consider, mungkin kaya gitu lebi baek]
2. ini tiga bulan, bukan tiga minggu...en bisa dibilang lama, diliat dari situasi gue yg udah persis seperti orang yg HAVE NO LIFE! It takes my weekends, ok? For THREE MONTHS..ga lama gitu?
3. yeah, dd jg gitu...en dia JUGA ngerasa project ini ga enak, tapi mo gimana lagi... YES, MO GIMANA LAGI..
4. tiga bulan *faint* Mungkin seandainya gue dikasi tau kalo projectnya cuma 2 bulan, or less, gue bakal jadi orang paling happy.
There's a point of time, gue mikir kenapa dulu di aussie gue ok2 aja kuliah sambil part-time...
En ga perlu mikir lama untuk nemuin alasan basicnya....
di sana gue digaji..swt! ($-$)
Sepertinya gue yang kelewat cengeng,
gue yang kelewat manja.
Perhaps, I should learn to criticeze less and appreciate more?
Gue sempet [en masi] mikir pengen pindah kampus aja skalian,
kampus yang cuma 7 atau 8 juta per semester [UC's double++...suda double, plus plus lagi! ngerti?] en dapet s1 dalam waktu yg lebi singkat. Toh UC juga blum terakreditasi...sama aja. Tapi di sisi laen, kalo ga ada project sialan, UC enaaak bangeeeeet!
+ kampus sana lebi murah jauuuuh
+ selesainya lebi cepet
- UC ada project dua
+ somehow, gue dah betah di UC
Arrrgh...gue jadi bingung!
Mood = I feel like someone who has no life and standing at the crossroads. Untung gue bukan orang yg have a very very VERY limited friend */s?* ...LOL. coz that would make me a complete loser...and it's so sad...LOL *again* [I don't even know what I'm LOL'ing at..duh]
"Just start anywhere" you would say....
And usually, I'll start pouring everything...not exactly from the beginning. But, that's ok...coz I know you would understand..
and you did.
Though so far, you are just an email away [since sms' space is too short wth and the fact that I can rarely go online on msn nowadays..email is the best ops damn it].
I miss J...a lil too much.
Gue kangeeeen hang out bareng lo lagi, gue kangen curhat2 bareng lo lagi, gue kangen ngebitch [bahasa halusnya = ngegosip] ttg orang bareng lo lagi en gue simply kangen ama lo! (T.T)
Anyway, thanks to Project 2, skarang gue ngerasa hidup gue ga enjoyable.. *makasi banyaaak!*
Ada ga sich kata2 motivasi yg lebi bagus daripada =
1. sabaaar
2. tiga bulan aja, ga lama
3. dulu dd juga gitu
4. jgn dirasain, ntar jadinya makin lama
1. gue udah nyoba sabar.... sedikiiiit lagi, en gue bakal sampe di titik "pasrah" en jalanin smuanya kaya zombie [bakal gue consider, mungkin kaya gitu lebi baek]
2. ini tiga bulan, bukan tiga minggu...en bisa dibilang lama, diliat dari situasi gue yg udah persis seperti orang yg HAVE NO LIFE! It takes my weekends, ok? For THREE MONTHS..ga lama gitu?
3. yeah, dd jg gitu...en dia JUGA ngerasa project ini ga enak, tapi mo gimana lagi... YES, MO GIMANA LAGI..
4. tiga bulan *faint* Mungkin seandainya gue dikasi tau kalo projectnya cuma 2 bulan, or less, gue bakal jadi orang paling happy.
There's a point of time, gue mikir kenapa dulu di aussie gue ok2 aja kuliah sambil part-time...
En ga perlu mikir lama untuk nemuin alasan basicnya....
di sana gue digaji..swt! ($-$)
Sepertinya gue yang kelewat cengeng,
gue yang kelewat manja.
Perhaps, I should learn to criticeze less and appreciate more?
Gue sempet [en masi] mikir pengen pindah kampus aja skalian,
kampus yang cuma 7 atau 8 juta per semester [UC's double++...suda double, plus plus lagi! ngerti?] en dapet s1 dalam waktu yg lebi singkat. Toh UC juga blum terakreditasi...sama aja. Tapi di sisi laen, kalo ga ada project sialan, UC enaaak bangeeeeet!
+ kampus sana lebi murah jauuuuh
+ selesainya lebi cepet
- UC ada project dua
+ somehow, gue dah betah di UC
Arrrgh...gue jadi bingung!
Mood = I feel like someone who has no life and standing at the crossroads. Untung gue bukan orang yg have a very very VERY limited friend */s?* ...LOL. coz that would make me a complete loser...and it's so sad...LOL *again* [I don't even know what I'm LOL'ing at..duh]
~One Day After The Famous V's Day~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Minggu, 15 Februari 2009
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"I believe that to enjoy life,
you must enjoy what you are doing and stop whining"
you must enjoy what you are doing and stop whining"
quoted from my friend who likes the letter V.. ^^
(First things first, I'll try to enjoy my homework)
~25 Five Things~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
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Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
1. Obviosuly I am so bored at the moment.
2. Gue bisa nonton DVDs seharian penuh en ga ngerasa bosen.
3. Di Melb, gue perna ngabisin 1 hari penuh [yes, 24 hours] untuk tidur.
4. I love chocolate and sushi.. can't decide which one I love the most.
5. I wanna be taller
6. and slimmer.
7. But, I'm ok with the way I look.
8. I hate being exposed to the sun.
9. I love being on the go [traveling] as much as I love staying at home.
10. I wanna go to Melb and spend my holiday mostly with Anzela en Retna.
11. would love to go to Japan one day.
12. I seriously consider myself 'kalem'..hahahaha
13. I still believe that somewhere out there, magical world does exist [eg.fairies, and SANTA, and all those fantasicaly places you see on fairy tales movies]
14. Just like Vanessa, I get pissed off quite easily.
15. and I forgive and let go [sometimes forget] easily too.
16. I love puppies... but only the ones WITH FUR!
17. Since I was twelve or thirteen, I wanna go to Alaska
19. and seeing Northern Light is one of the things I must do before I die *amen*
20. All Harry Potter series are the most interesting books I've ever read.
21. Once upon a time, I wanna be a lawyer
22. Last night I watched Slumdog Millionaire..and it's great!!!
23. Tonight, I am going to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button..
24. I read Jawa Pos every single day [well, almost]..
25. I am, indeed, a casual dressing girl
[taken from my FB..]
1. Obviosuly I am so bored at the moment.
2. Gue bisa nonton DVDs seharian penuh en ga ngerasa bosen.
3. Di Melb, gue perna ngabisin 1 hari penuh [yes, 24 hours] untuk tidur.
4. I love chocolate and sushi.. can't decide which one I love the most.
5. I wanna be taller
6. and slimmer.
7. But, I'm ok with the way I look.
8. I hate being exposed to the sun.
9. I love being on the go [traveling] as much as I love staying at home.
10. I wanna go to Melb and spend my holiday mostly with Anzela en Retna.
11. would love to go to Japan one day.
12. I seriously consider myself 'kalem'..hahahaha
13. I still believe that somewhere out there, magical world does exist [eg.fairies, and SANTA, and all those fantasicaly places you see on fairy tales movies]
14. Just like Vanessa, I get pissed off quite easily.
15. and I forgive and let go [sometimes forget] easily too.
16. I love puppies... but only the ones WITH FUR!
17. Since I was twelve or thirteen, I wanna go to Alaska
19. and seeing Northern Light is one of the things I must do before I die *amen*
20. All Harry Potter series are the most interesting books I've ever read.
21. Once upon a time, I wanna be a lawyer
22. Last night I watched Slumdog Millionaire..and it's great!!!
23. Tonight, I am going to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button..
24. I read Jawa Pos every single day [well, almost]..
25. I am, indeed, a casual dressing girl
[taken from my FB..]
~I Smile Up To The Sky, I Know I'll Be All Right~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
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I'm tired, man!!! Don't get me wrong, gue bukan lagi unhappy... Gue mentally okay, tapi physically tired... *sigh* Hari ini mulai kuliah jam 10 pagi en baru pulang jam 4.30 sore.. itu jg mestinya pulang jam 5.30, untung dosennya baek... *hallelujah!!!!*
Actually it's soooo not a big deal..considering durasi anak2 high school di sekola juga kurang lebi selama itu [7 hours or so]. Lagian, pelajaran2 hari ini, walaupun ngebosenin..(hey, mata kuliah apa sich yg ga ngebosenin?) tapi juga ga nyebelin..sip dah.
Smoga aja semester 2 kaya gini mulu, trus gue bisa pass smuanya dgn grade yg bagus [minimal B dech..].
Seems like hidup lagi baek ama gue =)
[tunggu ampe ada project/essay, en gue bakal mengeluh ttg segimana malesinnya kuliah lagi..hahaha]
Hmmm...gue suka kuliah, en gue juga suka jalan ma temen2 waktu weekend. Tapi ada 1 yg kurang sejak kuliah dimulai lagi, en ini crucial banget!!
- Waktu untuk nonton DVD berkurang DRASTIS.... not any DVD but Supernatural! [kalo DVD laen mah gue masi bisa nonton 1 movie tiap malem sebelum tidur]
Gue pengen tiduran di rumah sambil nonton DVD Supernatural en mantengin tampangnya Jensen Ackles seharian (by "seharian", I mean SEHARIAN..) Gue perna nonton dari jam 3an sore ampe jam 4 subuh, en cuma di"pause" waktu mo makan ama mandi doank.
Cuma Tuhan en gue yg tau segimana bahagianya gue hari itu karena bisa nyantai di rumah..sambil liat tampangnya Dean Winchester lagi!
Oh God, I miss those days (-_____-)
~Being Positive Is All I Need~
Actually it's soooo not a big deal..considering durasi anak2 high school di sekola juga kurang lebi selama itu [7 hours or so]. Lagian, pelajaran2 hari ini, walaupun ngebosenin..(hey, mata kuliah apa sich yg ga ngebosenin?) tapi juga ga nyebelin..sip dah.
Smoga aja semester 2 kaya gini mulu, trus gue bisa pass smuanya dgn grade yg bagus [minimal B dech..].
Seems like hidup lagi baek ama gue =)
[tunggu ampe ada project/essay, en gue bakal mengeluh ttg segimana malesinnya kuliah lagi..hahaha]
Hmmm...gue suka kuliah, en gue juga suka jalan ma temen2 waktu weekend. Tapi ada 1 yg kurang sejak kuliah dimulai lagi, en ini crucial banget!!
- Waktu untuk nonton DVD berkurang DRASTIS.... not any DVD but Supernatural! [kalo DVD laen mah gue masi bisa nonton 1 movie tiap malem sebelum tidur]
Gue pengen tiduran di rumah sambil nonton DVD Supernatural en mantengin tampangnya Jensen Ackles seharian (by "seharian", I mean SEHARIAN..) Gue perna nonton dari jam 3an sore ampe jam 4 subuh, en cuma di"pause" waktu mo makan ama mandi doank.
Cuma Tuhan en gue yg tau segimana bahagianya gue hari itu karena bisa nyantai di rumah..sambil liat tampangnya Dean Winchester lagi!
Oh God, I miss those days (-_____-)
"Take me away, a secret place
A sweet escape, take me away
Take me away to better days
Take me away, a hiding place"
A sweet escape, take me away
Take me away to better days
Take me away, a hiding place"
-pocketful of sunshine~
~Being Positive Is All I Need~
~Just Wanna Be Grateful~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Selasa, 10 Februari 2009
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Anyway, kali ini..instead of complaining..gue mo bersyukur u/ beberapa hal yg gue punya *isn't it obvious that I'm in a good mood?* =
1. Family : Gue bener2 en slalu bersyukur buat yg satu ini... Yeah, ada kalanya gue bete banget ama dd en ada kalanya juga gue tengkar ama nyokap. Tapi at least gue tau dari smua orang yg gue kenal, mereka tuch orang yg bener2 sayang ama gue en whatever happened/is happening/will happen to me...I always got their backs. We're close (not THAT close though).. But, I'm happy for they are alive *I'm not joking*, healthy and the fact that we are together.
*ini SATU2nya foto, dari jaman gue masi jadi jabang baby ampe segede gini, di mana bokap gue bs senyum seperti itu...*
2. Friends : I'm one of those who strongly believe in "make friends of quality, not quantity". I can say that I'm friendly enough, I don't mind being the one who initiate any conversations with strangers. BUT, if given the situation where I am a stranger among a group of friends..and no one inititate any conversations with me, I'LL BE QUIET! Not that I'm arrogant, anti-social or what... You can't expect me to just jump happily and talk with anyone who's around me while they are busy chit chatting with their own friends, right?! Honestly, can you do that?? Coz I can't... Gue ga suka SKSD (Sok Kenal Sok Dekat) en sial2 dicap CaPer atau trying too hard to fit in.
Fact has it that best friends, indeed, are hard to find. Menurut gue, 1 orang bisa punya banyak temen. Tapi tetep aja, bukan berarti dia punya banyak 'best friends'. I thank God for the close friends I have (and for the friends I have as well). Some are physically far.. But, they are just a phone call or an sms away. En kalo liburan dateng, gue bisa ngunjungin mereka en stay at their place (am not filthy rich yang bisa buang2 uang tinggal di hotel *bagi yg bisa, bersyukur dech!*, kecuali lg liburan bareng ortu) atau mereka bisa ngunjungin gue di sini. Sedangkan sebagian lagi tinggal sekota ama gue, di mana gue bisa spend weekends atau weekdays bareng2. Bagi gue temen itu penting. Mereka bisa ngebuat gue happy banget...en waktu gue lagi TERLALU down/sad/emo, dengan smsan ama mereka aja bisa buat gue ngerasa slightly better. [walaupun ada juga saatnya di mana gue emo2 en ngerasa all alone..en cuma pengen sendirian].

3. GOD : Gue bukan orang yg amat-sangat-religious banget. Ke gereja aja masi perna "bolong". En selaen hari Minggu, gue males banget kalo mesti ikut kegiatan2 rohani gitu *swt i know*. Tapi kalo inget smua yg uda Dia kasi ke gue... mulai dari keluarga, temen2 en kenyataan kalo gue punya smua yg gue perlu... Ga pantes rasanya kalo gue ga bersyukur sama Tuhan =)
4. Life,itself = Yup, gue bersyukur ama hidup gue yg skarang. Walaupun kadang (eh, sering.. sometimes malah ampe berhari2) gara2 males ke kampus gue jadi ngerasa "I'm not living my life the way I want..!!" or "I wanna be there instead of here!".. Tapi toh kalo dipikir2 lagi, hidup gue termasuk enak. En gue jg lumayan suka kuliah di kampus yg skarang *kecuali waktu ngerjain tugas/ project! duh*
I'm a bit too spoiled in a way that my parents give me almost everything I want *lucky ei?*. But, I guess, they raised me the right way.. Hmm, guess I'll just keep this for myself =)
Okaaaay.... gue dah kelamaan maen internet en bentar lagi mo ke gwalk, jadi skarang harus siap2 dulu.. Daaaaagh...
~Things Happen For A Reason~
1. Family : Gue bener2 en slalu bersyukur buat yg satu ini... Yeah, ada kalanya gue bete banget ama dd en ada kalanya juga gue tengkar ama nyokap. Tapi at least gue tau dari smua orang yg gue kenal, mereka tuch orang yg bener2 sayang ama gue en whatever happened/is happening/will happen to me...I always got their backs. We're close (not THAT close though).. But, I'm happy for they are alive *I'm not joking*, healthy and the fact that we are together.

2. Friends : I'm one of those who strongly believe in "make friends of quality, not quantity". I can say that I'm friendly enough, I don't mind being the one who initiate any conversations with strangers. BUT, if given the situation where I am a stranger among a group of friends..and no one inititate any conversations with me, I'LL BE QUIET! Not that I'm arrogant, anti-social or what... You can't expect me to just jump happily and talk with anyone who's around me while they are busy chit chatting with their own friends, right?! Honestly, can you do that?? Coz I can't... Gue ga suka SKSD (Sok Kenal Sok Dekat) en sial2 dicap CaPer atau trying too hard to fit in.
Fact has it that best friends, indeed, are hard to find. Menurut gue, 1 orang bisa punya banyak temen. Tapi tetep aja, bukan berarti dia punya banyak 'best friends'. I thank God for the close friends I have (and for the friends I have as well). Some are physically far.. But, they are just a phone call or an sms away. En kalo liburan dateng, gue bisa ngunjungin mereka en stay at their place (am not filthy rich yang bisa buang2 uang tinggal di hotel *bagi yg bisa, bersyukur dech!*, kecuali lg liburan bareng ortu) atau mereka bisa ngunjungin gue di sini. Sedangkan sebagian lagi tinggal sekota ama gue, di mana gue bisa spend weekends atau weekdays bareng2. Bagi gue temen itu penting. Mereka bisa ngebuat gue happy banget...en waktu gue lagi TERLALU down/sad/emo, dengan smsan ama mereka aja bisa buat gue ngerasa slightly better. [walaupun ada juga saatnya di mana gue emo2 en ngerasa all alone..en cuma pengen sendirian].

3. GOD : Gue bukan orang yg amat-sangat-religious banget. Ke gereja aja masi perna "bolong". En selaen hari Minggu, gue males banget kalo mesti ikut kegiatan2 rohani gitu *swt i know*. Tapi kalo inget smua yg uda Dia kasi ke gue... mulai dari keluarga, temen2 en kenyataan kalo gue punya smua yg gue perlu... Ga pantes rasanya kalo gue ga bersyukur sama Tuhan =)
4. Life,itself = Yup, gue bersyukur ama hidup gue yg skarang. Walaupun kadang (eh, sering.. sometimes malah ampe berhari2) gara2 males ke kampus gue jadi ngerasa "I'm not living my life the way I want..!!" or "I wanna be there instead of here!".. Tapi toh kalo dipikir2 lagi, hidup gue termasuk enak. En gue jg lumayan suka kuliah di kampus yg skarang *kecuali waktu ngerjain tugas/ project! duh*
I'm a bit too spoiled in a way that my parents give me almost everything I want *lucky ei?*. But, I guess, they raised me the right way.. Hmm, guess I'll just keep this for myself =)
Okaaaay.... gue dah kelamaan maen internet en bentar lagi mo ke gwalk, jadi skarang harus siap2 dulu.. Daaaaagh...
~Things Happen For A Reason~
~My New Role Model~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
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Sepertinya, gue mesti ngejadi'in cewe ini sbagai role model untuk 4 bulan ke depan (motivasi buat kuliah, u know?)....
"She goes to Harvard
Studied 7 languages
Win a Golden Globe Award
Made million of dollars from 20 movies"
*quoted from gogirl! magz*
Studied 7 languages
Win a Golden Globe Award
Made million of dollars from 20 movies"
*quoted from gogirl! magz*
And she's also really nice! *quoted again from the same magz, coz obviously I don't know her in real-life*
A gorgeous talented beauty with brain and atitude. Serius dech, cewe ini DAMN CLOSE to PERFECT! [finally, ada juga cewe yg ga nganggep "ACT " cute is the new cool... trima kasih Tuhan!]
OmG! Gue jg pengen jadi cewe seperti Natalie Portman... *ngarep mode on*
4 bulan lagi semester 2 selesai. Gue bener2 pengen setengah mampus bisa dapet IP 3.5 (lebi tinggi lebi bagus) untuk semester kali ini...coz denger2 in order to ngambil smua mata kuliah di semester 3, IP MINIMALnya harus segitu. Smoga itu ga bener...*hallelujah*
~And Nothing Wrong With The Woman In Me~anggun.
A gorgeous talented beauty with brain and atitude. Serius dech, cewe ini DAMN CLOSE to PERFECT! [finally, ada juga cewe yg ga nganggep "ACT " cute is the new cool... trima kasih Tuhan!]
OmG! Gue jg pengen jadi cewe seperti Natalie Portman... *ngarep mode on*
4 bulan lagi semester 2 selesai. Gue bener2 pengen setengah mampus bisa dapet IP 3.5 (lebi tinggi lebi bagus) untuk semester kali ini...coz denger2 in order to ngambil smua mata kuliah di semester 3, IP MINIMALnya harus segitu. Smoga itu ga bener...*hallelujah*
~And Nothing Wrong With The Woman In Me~anggun.
~Days of Our Lives~
Diposting oleh
Felicia Loves Chocolate
on Rabu, 04 Februari 2009
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Saluran telp buat internet rusak gara2 hujan...makanya gue ga bisa ngeblog/online/internetan selama sminggu trakhir ini.
Senin ini kuliah lagi..
En asli dech, gue males B.A.N.G.E.T! Le sigh... Sialnya lg, hampir di semua mata pelajaran, gue ga sekelas ama Melda.
En hey, WTH! Kenapa masi ada matematika sich?! Parahnya lagi, di semester kali ini...ada 3 hari di mana gue mesti bangun pagi en 2 hari di mana gue pulang sore...
Ok, I should stop complaining... siapa tau, dalem 6 bulan ini, ada hal baek yg happen? =) Lagian toh kuliahnya aja masi belum mulai... en seinget gue, waktu semester 1 dulu, gue suka kuliah....
Fave times =
1. telp travel agent buat pesen tiket
2. ke bandara
3. duduk dalem pesawat yg lepas landas
4. finally, ngelihat terrain kota yg gue tuju dari jendela pesawat
Dua atau tiga hari belakangan ini, gue mulai mikir untuk nyelesai'in bachelor degree yg lagi gue ambil skarang ini di tempat laen. In other words, gue pengen transfer ke kampus di negara laen. Bukan pemikiran yg bagus, obviously. I've been thinking of moving to Malaysia..let say, somewhere around next year? 3.5 taon bukan waktu yg relatif singkat, en ngebayangin mesti ngabisin waktu selama itu di Surabaya...oh well...
Ck..gue ga tau gimana cara jelasinnya, gue cuma lg ngerasa.... STUCK? en ga tau ampe kapan [ok, gue tau ampe kapan..3.5 taon kan? damnit. Itu belum termasuk kalo ternyata ntar gue kerja di sini, trus trus trus merit di sini.. kuliah-kerja-merit continuesly..di sini. OmG gimme a break, can?
What? What about age? O yach, age does matter, doesnt it? IT DOES. So, no freaking traveling-break even after I finish my bach degree?! urgh!]
Selaen itu, toh ortu gue juga ga bakal ngijinin gue pindah sebelum gue tamat kuliah di UC.
Congratulations! U've just finished reading a complete senseless rambling! *claps*
Somewhere along the road, gue bakal pergi ke tempat laen...tinggal di sana for a while [a few days? weeks? months?] , trus pindah ke tempat yg laen lagi... repeat cycle. Sampe di satu waktu, gue bakal settle down di satu tempat...en tinggal di situ, buat seterusnya.
Seperti itu, hidup yg gue mau.
~But you can't eat too many because then you get Gummi tummy, and that's no good~ jensen ackles
ps : Pack your things and go with me. Stop being a blind pigeon, please? Be my traveling-partner instead..and live the 'days of our lives' before a greater responsibility ties us down. For forever is forever. How does it sound? =)