1. Family : Gue bener2 en slalu bersyukur buat yg satu ini... Yeah, ada kalanya gue bete banget ama dd en ada kalanya juga gue tengkar ama nyokap. Tapi at least gue tau dari smua orang yg gue kenal, mereka tuch orang yg bener2 sayang ama gue en whatever happened/is happening/will happen to me...I always got their backs. We're close (not THAT close though).. But, I'm happy for they are alive *I'm not joking*, healthy and the fact that we are together.

2. Friends : I'm one of those who strongly believe in "make friends of quality, not quantity". I can say that I'm friendly enough, I don't mind being the one who initiate any conversations with strangers. BUT, if given the situation where I am a stranger among a group of friends..and no one inititate any conversations with me, I'LL BE QUIET! Not that I'm arrogant, anti-social or what... You can't expect me to just jump happily and talk with anyone who's around me while they are busy chit chatting with their own friends, right?! Honestly, can you do that?? Coz I can't... Gue ga suka SKSD (Sok Kenal Sok Dekat) en sial2 dicap CaPer atau trying too hard to fit in.
Fact has it that best friends, indeed, are hard to find. Menurut gue, 1 orang bisa punya banyak temen. Tapi tetep aja, bukan berarti dia punya banyak 'best friends'. I thank God for the close friends I have (and for the friends I have as well). Some are physically far.. But, they are just a phone call or an sms away. En kalo liburan dateng, gue bisa ngunjungin mereka en stay at their place (am not filthy rich yang bisa buang2 uang tinggal di hotel *bagi yg bisa, bersyukur dech!*, kecuali lg liburan bareng ortu) atau mereka bisa ngunjungin gue di sini. Sedangkan sebagian lagi tinggal sekota ama gue, di mana gue bisa spend weekends atau weekdays bareng2. Bagi gue temen itu penting. Mereka bisa ngebuat gue happy banget...en waktu gue lagi TERLALU down/sad/emo, dengan smsan ama mereka aja bisa buat gue ngerasa slightly better. [walaupun ada juga saatnya di mana gue emo2 en ngerasa all alone..en cuma pengen sendirian].

3. GOD : Gue bukan orang yg amat-sangat-religious banget. Ke gereja aja masi perna "bolong". En selaen hari Minggu, gue males banget kalo mesti ikut kegiatan2 rohani gitu *swt i know*. Tapi kalo inget smua yg uda Dia kasi ke gue... mulai dari keluarga, temen2 en kenyataan kalo gue punya smua yg gue perlu... Ga pantes rasanya kalo gue ga bersyukur sama Tuhan =)
4. Life,itself = Yup, gue bersyukur ama hidup gue yg skarang. Walaupun kadang (eh, sering.. sometimes malah ampe berhari2) gara2 males ke kampus gue jadi ngerasa "I'm not living my life the way I want..!!" or "I wanna be there instead of here!".. Tapi toh kalo dipikir2 lagi, hidup gue termasuk enak. En gue jg lumayan suka kuliah di kampus yg skarang *kecuali waktu ngerjain tugas/ project! duh*
I'm a bit too spoiled in a way that my parents give me almost everything I want *lucky ei?*. But, I guess, they raised me the right way.. Hmm, guess I'll just keep this for myself =)
Okaaaay.... gue dah kelamaan maen internet en bentar lagi mo ke gwalk, jadi skarang harus siap2 dulu.. Daaaaagh...
~Things Happen For A Reason~
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