Oh God...I swear I won't mention anything bout assignments ANYMORE.. (damn it)(for next week only)(coz I gonna have hols, yey!)(damn it)
I have like 3 more assignments need to be hand in by Friday, it means 2 more days OhGodDamnIt! *sigh*
En itu banyak sekaliii okaaay?????!!! Mengingat smua assignmentnya dalam bentuk laporan/makalah/oh whicever name u prefer to call that damn things...
Whoever told me that Ciputra is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy can go and die now.
Like 2 days ago, I woke up and wished that I could stop all this. Rewind back the time to where gue masi nyantai2...(damn it)(I told u I gonna miss those days!)(damn it)
Sekarang waktu lg ngerjain tugas *please pura2 aja lo ga tau kalo gue skarang lg blogging*, di luar sana ada suara fireworks..perhaps somewhere out there some people are enjoying their time to the fullest while here I am..stuck with assignments *how sad?!*
It makes me miss Melbourne even more *now am being so emo..waduh*.
Why I need to do all these? Why I can't be back to where I was before? I HATE DOING THESE ASSIGNMENTS AS MUCH AS I LOVE MY NEW CAMPUS... (damn it)(now u know just how much i lve my campus)(damn it). Duuuuh... I wanna watch Gossip Girl! I wanna go to the mall and catch a movie! or maybe a slice of cake will do...! Or maybe just lying on my bed and reread Harry Potter all over again... EVERYTHING BUT THIS!
---------------------------------------(I NEED)T.O.S.T.O.P-----------------------------------
oK..me need to stop whinning.. I am not a crybaby and will never be one (damn it)(hopefully)(damn it). Time to continue my assignments *oh how i hate that word* and start another countdown to this coming Friday =)
In the meanwhile, here's my prettiest picture EVER!
enjoy ^^
*me wearing the long cream in colour cardigan*
So pretty coz u can't see my face.
Bye for now.... whoever you may be. Hope your day's nicer than mine, though (damn it)(wah, I can be so nice)(damn it)
~To the right and to the left. I'm stuck in the middle~
3 komentar:
the camera couldn't recognized it.....
u're wayy too "pretty"....
kapan nih fotonya. KOQ AQ GA DIAJAK
waktu nunggu UTS GE..sapa suru km pegi makan..huh. Aq masi punya banyak lhoo =p
Angie = i know ngie (-_____-)
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