Hari Rabu itu mestinya gue mo ngegym pagi, tapi gue ga bisa bangun! No, I wasn't being such a lazy pig that day. Tapi malem sebelumnya gue nonton memorialnya Michael Jackson ampe jam 4 pagi. Gimana gue bisa bangun jam 8 pagi buat ngegym? Ya kan? Ya kan? (note : I cried a lot waktu nonton memorialnya Michael Jackson. It's not like I know him personally...duh. It's just like every time there was a HELLUVA FAMOUS person passed away, gue ngerasa ada yang hilang...literally. As in, the world it's not the same anymore. I grew up listening/watching their works, read news about them, and suddenly they are gone..forever. Haih..what the hell I dunno how to explain it. Pertama kali gue nangisin orang -yang secara pribadi, gue ga kenal- meninggal tuch waktu Lady Diana passed away. And now, the last one is Michael Jackson. Who's next? Wth. Hm, mungkin gue aja kali yang kelewat sensitif..u know, waktu pembantu gue -dia kerja uda lamaa- pulang, gue nangis. Waktu nonton The biggest loser, gue nangis. Waktu nonton some reality shows, pas ada adegan sedih gue juga ikutan nangis. One thing though, I don't cry in front of people.)
BY THE WAY, INI UDA BENER - BENER OFF TOPIC. Gue cuma mo whining whining en whining bentar, I fall off the wagon this week!!! I ate a loooooooot! Bahkan Jumat kemaren gue makan KFC (paha atas, paha bawah, 1 nasi..*sigh*), en gue makannya jam 11 malem gitu..huhuhuuuu. Kemarin gue juga makan nasi goreng seafood 1 piring. DIE DIE DIE. Nyesek banget nich rasanya.... Arrgh, don't remain me with those chocolates, oreo, tim tam, etc etc etc! *frustrated*

Ok enough, *positive thinking = mode on!* I did not FALL off the wagon, I just SLIPPED. Tomorrow's another day, a brand new start, I'll go back to the right track... *amen*
Or maybe I just laugh at those who are fatter than me...who know's I'll feel better */gg*
p.s = perhaps I am not meant to be slim..*emo*
~Trying my best to stay on track~
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