"Ku tak akan menyerah, pada apapun juga.
Sebelum kucoba, semua yang kubisa.
Tetapi kuberserah, kepada kehendak-Mu.
Hatiku percaya, Tuhan punya rencana"
Gue sukaaaaaaaaa lirik yg ituuuu.... it's so true so true *sore throat* [nvm..it's rhyme]
My current favorite quote :
"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love,
Listens but doesn't believe,
And leaves before she is left"
I don't personally agree with the quote though.
Nich some pictures we took inside the photo box. Frankly speaking, gue ngerasa foto2 di photo box tuch ga worth it kalo dilakuin sering2. Bayangin aja, yg keliatan kan cuma tampang lo doank gt lho, plus backgroundnya dikit *if there is any*. Trus hasilnya jg kecil2..duh. Mendingan pake digicam aja ga sich?
Tapi, kalo jarang2 ya gpp lhaa ^^
*atas, tengah, bawah : Melda, Mei, Dewi, Feli*
*lurve frm me-to-you*
*gue looking away, yg laen liat kamera*
*gue liat kamera, yg laen looking away* [mereka bukan background dan iya, gue sengaja]
*muka saia tolol*
*sepertinya muka gue kedeketan*
Ya sudah, gue mau browsing2 lagi en berpusing2 ria nyari transport buat ke HSM ntar malem. Have a nice day eberryone.
~Why the toast always lands butter side down?~
2 komentar:
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