*pic frm the bitter stickgal*
And I still miss you every now and then
I keep reminiscing the past..
From the very first day we met, till the last day we parted at the airport.
Starbucks to the unknown restaurant. *I forgot its name..uh*
One missed call to Sumpah Pocong Di Sekolah.
All songs on your Ipod playlist..Sempurna, Sebelum Cahaya, Cinta Ini Membunuhku, etc.
Everytime I passed by Somerset, Starbucks, Sushi Tei, Cosi (resto di Sutos) my heart's aching..a little.
I miss every single thing we had..
Our late-night talks.
Waking and being waken up by you in the mornings.
A simple sms out of nothingness.
Numerous phone calls with a reason..
and the reason is just-wanna-hear-your-voice.
I miss you.
I miss us.
I can't seem to let you go

But I will go on without you
"Everything happens for a reason. I believe strongly in it. I think that God loves me a little too much to let me go through life difficulty. Many things that appear to be obstacles in life are his little ways of protecting me from greater harms."
Just like this one, never before I felt so miserable over a failed relationship. Banyak yg bilang kalo tiap orang pasti bakal ngerasain (paling kurang) 1 kali broken heart. Dulu, aku ga percaya. Sekarang juga masi ga percaya. Most of us mungkin bakal ngalamin itu, tapi ngga SEMUA ORANG/EVERYONE. Anyway, tanpa harus dipikir ulang, aku jg dah tau kalo ini emang yg terbaik. Bisa dibayangkan kalo ini semua dilanjutin while "external problems" itu masi ada (en rasanya "external problems" itu bakal selalu ada..or that's what HE believes so)..udah bisa dipastikan kalo aku bakal lebi sakit hati dr ini.
Sempet mikir, kenapa udahannya bukan waktu aku udah bosen aja? Atau bener2 kebukti kalo kita ga cocok? The answers popped up.. Kalo udahannya waktu aku uda bosen, then apa bedanya relationship kali ini ama yg dulu? Dan kata dia, kalo kita putus karena kita bener2 udah ga cocok..itu brarti kita putusnya ga baik2. Well, okay.. I satisfied enough with the answers.
Ada beberapa hal yg bisa aku pelajarin dari ini (mungkin bagi yg laen ga penting, tapi cukup penting buat aku), or in other words, banyak yg dulunya aku ga ngerti sekarang jadi ngerti =
1. ternyata broken heart itu sakit *yes dear, dulu aku kira rasanya biasa2 aja*
2. Thanks God ternyata aku jg bisa bener2 suka/sayang/cinta ama orang.
3. karena sekarang uda mau serius, laen kali harus make sure SEMUA okay (including something I can't mention here), sebelum setuju untuk be in a relationship *seriously, aku GA PERNA NYANGKA bakal putus dgn alasan yg kaya sekarang*
4. uda mulai bisa masak en ternyata masak itu fun *ini salah satu sisi positif dr broken heart..lol*
5. termotivasi untuk "maju" en skarang jd lebi niat mau kuliah *I hope it won't fade away soon*
6. aku bakal lebih ngehargain si Prince Charming/The One/Mr.Right/whatever you call him.
Lagian kamu juga sepertinya uda bisa move on and let me go..
I guess it's so much easier for you, as you don't love me as much as I love you *that's perfectly okay, because this time it's my turn to learn about the pain*
Jadi aku jg harus bisa, paling ngga aku harus bisa move on walaupun belum sepenuhnya bisa untuk let go =)
Yesterday is history.
us is history
Tomorrow is a mystery.
mungkin kita bakal balik lagi, mungkin kita bakal ketemu orang yg lebi baik buat kita.
But today is a gift.
masi banyak yg harus disyukuri.
Therefore it's called 'present'.
Yea, aku baru nonton Kungfu Panda.

I gotta believe that my Mr.Right is still out there.
~And I want to make sure you know~
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