This was our conversation, Ko Chandra-Henny-Lucy-Yohana and I, when we were at the car going back home after some aimless walk, photos snapping and some good cakes at Tunjungan Plaza..
It was something like this (I CAN'T remember the exact words) :
KC : Pengen ke luar kota..kita blm perna ke luar kota sama2 lho.
F : Ayo..kapan? Emang mau ke mana?
KC : Bromo ae ya apa?
F : Ya wes.. Km isa ta Y?
Y : *geleng2*
F : Km L?
L : Ga tau..mesti tanya papaku sek.
F : Tapi km bisa kan H?
H : Ya bisa aja sich.
Planned = the next day (or should I say "nite"?) Ko Chandra gonna pick us (Henny, Vincent a.k.a my bro and I) up at my house around 10 P.M, 11 P.M gonna reach Risal'S house, and there we go...wishing to arrive at the Bromo before the sunrise.
I heart spontaneous travel =)
What happened = Everything turned out exactly as we wanted it to be. Except the fact that we got lost on the highway and instead of going ke luar kota..kita balik lagi ke dalam kota! *sip* Gara2 jalan tol yg mestinya kita lewatin ditutup, kita terpaksa guessing our way through what seems like kampung2..haiz. Singgah di kantor polisi 2 kali, dua2nya buat nanya direction en 1x skalian numpang peeing. Stop di satu tempat buat nyewa hartop (soalnya untuk sampe ke puncak mesti lewat padang pasir). It was a bloody rip off!! Rp 350.000! *&^%$^&*!!!! Gue, eh kita smua, ngerasa DIBODOHIN! Seandainya gue tau kalo benernya masi ada stopan lagi setelah yg itu, gue pasti nawar dulu...kalo dia ga mau kurang, ya uda kita ke stop yg selanjutnya aja! Tapi org2 yg *%$#@& itu uda masang tanda STOP di T.E.N.G.A.H jalan, jd gue ngira emang mesti nyewa di sana. Arrghhh...laen kali harus lebi pinter!! *my 1st time there..jd gpp dech*
Finally, after about an hour journey through the desert we reached the top. It's damn cold! Sialnya kita masi mesti nunggu another 1 hour for the sun to rise (T.T)
Dawn time, pic taken by me ^^

Nah, my first sunrise =)

O yach, sebelum gue lupa...waktu malam, bintang2nya bagus banget en i mean BANGET!
Have I mentioned that i love start-gazing? And that place is just PERFECT for star gazing. Couldn't take any photo of it though coz it always turned out dark-blank-black..huf. blamed it on our cameras =(
More pictures comin up next. Smua masi di Risal, foto2 pake camera dia soalnya my camera died on me just when we reached the top.. *perfect timing dear!*
~ Once you choose hope, anything's possible~
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