Finally, I've got the connection back... and hell yeaaaah, I survived those super duper ultra boring days...
But now, when I can start to blog again... Gue malah ga tau mau ngomong apa, en parahnya ini jg uda hampir jam 1 malem *gue mau blajar cepet tidurrr/tidur cepet..suka2 lo dech*
So, I need to finish this entry fast... I don't care but I wanna put at least one entry for today!
The good thing is, I have a bunch of pictures to upload =)
Cuma buat ngejelasin aja, dulu gue sempet les Mandarin di ITC (Graha Pena, kantornya Jawa Pos)..course durationnya sekitar oktober 07-desember 07. Gue cuma les ampe selesai level 1 doank. Pengennya sich ngelanjutin ke level 2, selain karena cara ngajarnya si "lao shi" emang enak...temen2 lesnya jg seru. Tapi, jarak rumah gue ke sana tuch bisa dibilang jauh.. Akhirnya gue ga jadi ngelanjutin dech.
Selasa, minggu lalu (20 May 2008), Cece Anna ngajakkin temen2 les, en "lao shi"nya juga, buat jalan2 bareng lagi di TP...
That day, I was happy =)
Selebihnya, let those photos speak for themselves...
*our first attempt..too bad, c Anna was not looking at the camera, not even close!*
*second attempt..although she still didn't look at the camera PROPERLY, but this one's better.. eventhough I think that I look better in the 1st*
Ga puas cuma foto2 pake camera pribadi, akhirnya kita pergi ke studio foto. Gue lupa apa nama studionya...tapi kalo ga salah sich M Studio... Fotonya ada banyaaaak, tapi gue cuma bakal upload 3 doank dech...hehe.
*me in the middle, wearing a gray Mickey T-shirt*
Dari paling atas, kiri ke kanan (from viewers' side) = Ko Irwan, C Listya, C Cecilia, King "lao shi".
Yang tengah, kiri-kanan = C Jenny, Feli (gue), C Wanzhen.
Yang bawah, kiri-kanan = Ko Rico, C Anna, Ko Surya.
*the photographer told us to pose with an ugly-face, and c Wanzhen was telling us to do that "juling" thingy...and so I did and failed miserably.. Just to find out that in the end, only me and c Wanzhen was posing with that "juling" eyes...walao eh!*
*I like this one the most... By the way, the one with the feather duster is our*
That's all for now. Good nite everyone ^^
~Lotsa fun, love that day~
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