Kalo ada 1 orang di dunia, yang cinta/sayangnya buat gue bener2 ga perlu diraguin lagi, orang itu udah pasti mami =)

I feel very lucky to have a mom like her. She is the one whom I can share EVERYTHING with. Gue bisa curhat ama mami tentang apa aja. Mulai dari sekolah, temen2, sampai urusan cowo. Hampir ngga ada hal yang gue rahasia'in dari dia. Kalopun ada, berarti hal tersebut emang cuma gue en Tuhan yang tau. No one else. (semua yg temen2 gue tau tentang gue, nyokap gue jg udah tau ttg itu..tapi belum tentu sebaliknya)
Dari gue kecil sampe sekarang, waktu gue dalem keadaan setakut apapun (gue masi inget kerusuhan bo!) atau waktu gue lagi sakit (ampe mesti masuk ruma sakit sgala), mami selalu bisa nenangin perasaan gue. By just being there with me or by saying that everything is gonna be ok and that there is no need to be worried. I would/will calm down. I trust her. Sampe2 waktu akhirnya gue sekola ke luar negeri, hampir tiap kali gue ada problems (yg bener2 "problems" tentunya), gue pasti sms/telp mami. Sesudah itu, walaupun problemsnya masi di depan muka, paling ngga gue uda ngerasa JAUH lebi "kuat". There was one time, gue tinggal sendiri di apartment (yeap, waktu itu di Melb). Trus tiba2 gue kaya denger ada orang ngomong dr luar (posisi gue lg di dalem kamar en inget! GUE TINGGAL SENDIRI!). Persetan dech itu mau suara setan beneran atau bukan, yang pasti gue kaget setengah mati! Hal yg gue lakuin secara reflek adalah "MAMI!" (iya! gue manggil mami!!!). Then, dalem hati "o yach, mami ga di sini!!!". Cepet2 dech gue tdr lagi..
She is my mom, my sister and my best friend for these 21 years. She has given me all the best. She loves me unconditionally. Waktu gue lg jelek ato cakep, nilai lg bagus atau ancur, bahkan waktu gue lg good mood atau bad mood. She loves me because she knows me inside out, she loves me EVEN THOUGH she knows me inside out.
Banyak yg udah dikasi en dilakuin mami buat gue. I cannot ask for more. Karena semua yang gue dapet dari mami, selalu yang terbaik. Sedangkan apa yang udah gue kasi buat mami? Gue sendiri ga bisa jawab... karena gue emang ga tau jawabannya apa. Gue cuma bisa nyoba jadi anak yang seperti dia harapin.. ga suka dugem, ga ngerokok, jaga pergaulan, sekolah yang serius. Be a good girl. Tapi itu aja, gue masi sering ga bs menuhin harapan mami.. dgn nilai2 yg kadang suka jeblok dgn sialnya (Puji Tuhan, ga sering2 kaya gt!). From now onwards, I will try hard to bring out the best in me. So that one day, when your friends/our relatives or just perfect strangers ask about your daughter, I can hear you say that I'm doing really great. And they, by just looking into your eyes, will know that you are proud of me *amen*
*niup lilin*
*Daddy loves you*
*Definitely we do love you too*
*B'day Mom and her daughter*
I hope you liked the birthday surprise cake and that bouquet of flower =)
If ever I become a success young lady, I will buy an apartment in Singapore on 11th floor as your b'day present mami. That's my promise.
~All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother~ *Lincoln*
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