Gue naek 1 kg!!! What the *tiiit*???!!!!
Before, gue mesti nurunin 3 kg lagi... sekarang malah naek 1 kg. Jadi, skarang mesti nurunin 4 kg. GREAT! *clap clap clap*
Koq bisa yach?? Kenapa???
Ya jelas bisa kalo tiap kali ngafe gue pesen ice cream... *dan gue pegi ngafe uda kaya anak kecil pegi sekolah alias tiap hari.... ok, HAMPIR tiap hari*
Ya jelas bisa kalo tiap kali jalan2 gue selalu ikutan makan, walaupun di ruma uda makan..
Ya jelas bisa kalo ampe sekarang gue masi cinta mati ama "caramel frappuccino"nya Starbucks..
Kalo salah satu moment yg paling indah dalem hidup tuch when u go to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside.. So, salah satu moment yg paling buruk dalem hidup (especially cewe) adalah waktu naek ke timbangan en ngeliat jarumnya slightly muter ke arah kanan instead of moving towards the left *seandainya gue tau gimana caranya naruh emoticon di blog, maka gue bakal naruh emoticon onion lg nangis...tau kan emoticon onion? yg lucu itu lho*
Mengingat salah satu resolusi gue di taon 2008.. kali ini gue mesti diet lg! Akhir June udah dekat sodara2 skaliaaan....*faint*
Tapi, diliat dr foto2 lama... gue kurus = gue jd lebi jelek! *sial skali..GA ADIL GA ADIL*
Kenapa ada cewe2 yg bisa kurus tapi mukanya tetep chubby? Sedangkan kalo gue kurus, yg mengecil duluan malah pipi...jelek bangeet!!! *envy envy*
OK! Being thin is not my goal, tapi paling ngga biarin gue ada di batas antara underweight en ideal. Sebodo...

*save the cheerleader save the world*
And here is Claire Bennet (a.k.a Hayden Panettiere)

*the cheerleader*
Dari yg gue dapet di Google, ternyata she has the same height & weight like me. Dia gendut kan?? Iya kan iya kan iya kan?! *maksa*
Another pic of her...

*the guy on her left is Milo Ventimiglia*
Not only we share the same height and weight, but also bag =)
Yes, gue punya tas yg sama kaya dia cuma beda warna..mine is light blue *en iya gue lg pamer..mwahahaha*
As u can see, gue ngepost tentang Hayden not just because I'm one her fans, but because I am trying to convince myself that I AM NOT FAT! *wou..kontras skale ama apa yg gue bilang sebelum ini*
If she, one of hollywood-celebrities, ngerasa ok dengan tinggi en beratnya. Kenapa gue mesti segini stressnya ama berat en tinggi gue? I'm not working in the entertainment industry anyway..and there is a very high possibility that I will NEVER work in one of those industries (at least not as a model or actress) either.
So, kenapa gue peduli? Tapi, fact has it, that I care. Guess I should stop now, because I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore...
With a diet list on my hand, personal trainer and a gym membership...the only thing I need is motivation. I have only one month left *damn*
-The end-
~Why should I compare myself to Hayden? Because I wouldn't compare myself to you, unless you are prettier than her.. Besides,somehow, she keeps me sane~
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